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One of the most flagrant of infringement of independence of States is intervention.

One of the most famous power stations is on the River Niagara. 最有名的一座水电站就建在尼亚加拉河上。
One of the most famous region name in Rhone, Gigondas is very strong, powerful, with a very tannic structure. 志刚达在隆河区是其中一只最出名的酒区,是一只劲酒。
One of the most famous sailing ships of the nineteenth century, the Cutty Sark, can still be seen at Greewich. 人们在格林威治仍可看到19世纪最有名的帆船之一“卡蒂萨克”号。
One of the most far-reaching consequences of the War was that it hastened the end of Britain's empire. 二战最为深远的结果之一是加速了大英帝国的瓦解。
One of the most fascinating is whether they might have survived beyond the catastrophe that killed off the dinosaurs in other parts of the world at the end of the Cretaceous period. 下面是最吸引人的问题之一:白垩纪结束时发生大灾难,世界上其他地区的恐龙全都死于灾难中,而北极的恐龙是否可能存活下来?
One of the most flagrant of infringement of independence of States is intervention. 公然侵犯国家独立的行为之一是干涉.
One of the most frustrating practices ofdevelopers is to misuse pop-up, also called context-sensitive, menus. 其中一个最让人丧气的体验就是开发者滥用弹出式菜单,也叫上下关联式菜单。
One of the most handsome cars was a Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost. 最漂亮的汽车之一,是一辆罗尔斯-罗伊斯银精灵牌汽车。
One of the most heartwarming aspects(1)of people who are born with a facial disfigurement(2), whether minor or major(3), is the number of them(1) who do not allow it to upset their lives(4), even reaching out to help others with the same problem(5). 有些人生来面部就有残缺(2),残缺有大有小(3),但令人欣慰的是这些人中很多人(1)并没有因此而生活得不愉快(4),相反,他们倒去主动帮助其他有同样问题的人(5)。
One of the most important activities of the Dragon Boat Festival is the dragon boat racing, which always attracts many spectators. 端午节最重要的活动之一是划龙舟比赛,总是吸引很多观众。
One of the most important advancements recently for Electroglas has been in gaining greater control over the Z direction of the wafer prober, which affects the accuracy and impact force of touchdowns on wafers and enables their customers to effectively te 其中伊智公司最近最重要的一个进步就是:实现了对于晶圆探针台Z方向的更大程度的控制,这直接影响到探针接触晶圆的精确性和冲击力,为客户提供了高效率的测试;即使是最新型的精细器件。

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