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Do not sign contracts or get involved in any uncertain financial deals.

Do not shorten the morning by getting up late; look upon it as the quintessence of life, as to a certain extent sared. 不可因起床过晚而缩短了清晨时光;把清晨当成生命的典型,有如某种程度的神圣.
Do not show partiality in judging; hear both small and great alike. 17审判的时候,不可看人的外貌。
Do not show uncertainty or insecurity.? It is the worst that can happen to a buyer. 不要显现出不确定或没有安全感的样子,对采购员而言是最糟糕的事。
Do not shut down the computer. 在使用电脑期间切勿任意关机。
Do not shut off the power during the firmware writing operation. 固件写入过程中切勿关闭电源。
Do not sign contracts or get involved in any uncertain financial deals. 不宜签署任何合同和不确定的经济合约。
Do not silently absorb a run-time or error exception. 不要略去运行时或错误异常。
Do not sit down before all the ladies are seated. 在女士未入座之前不要抢先入座。
Do not slander a servant to his master, Lest he curse you, and you be held guilty. 10你不要向主人谗谤仆人,恐怕他咒诅你,你便为有罪。
Do not slaughter a cow or a sheep and its young on the same day. 28无论是母牛是母羊,不可同日宰母和子。
Do not sleep in that room, it must be kept holy. 不要在房间里睡觉,它必须保持神圣。

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