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Founded in 1974, we have grown to become a premier freight forwarder with employees, offices and strategic partners around the world.

Founded in 1959, Shun Cheong is widely recognized as one of the most experienced engineering contractors with strong emphasis on the design, supply, installation and maintenance of Electrical and Mechanical engineering services for a variety of public and 《顺昌》创立于一九五九年,经过多年的不断发展现已被公认为本港最富经验的工程承建商之一,尤其专长承造各种公共、私营发展项目之机电工程设计、供应、安装及维修服务。
Founded in 1961, the VSC Group is pioneer in the importation of steel rebars in Hong Kong. 万顺昌集团于1961年成立,是香港首间钢筋进口及存销商。
Founded in 1963, this Institute has been mainly engaged in exploration and design of construction projects from urban infrastructure, and is in possession of Grade A qualification in design , survey, exploration of grade A municipal roadway, highway, wate 上海市城市建设设计研究院创建于1963年,从事城市基础设施建设工程勘察设计,具有国家甲级市政公用、公路、水利、轨道交通、园林绿化、建筑工程设计资质、国家甲级工程勘察、工程测量资质。
Founded in 1966, Coherent Inc. is the world largest manufacturer in laser and photonics industry, providing laser based solutions for scientific, industry and medical applications. 成立于1966年,是世界第一大激光器及相关光电子产品生产商,产品服务于科研、医疗、工业加工等多个行业。
Founded in 1968, Shantou Medical Equipment Factory is an profession director unit of medical instruments in Guangdong Province and pjrovincial professional factory of medical instruments.For over 30 vears,the Corp.Has follcwed the principle of “Taking mar 汕头市医用设备厂有限公司创建于1968年,是广东省医疗器械行业协会理事单位、省医疗器械专业生产厂,三十多年来,企业遵从“以市场需求为导向、以科技为中心、生产为依托、人力资源为保证”的原则.为实现“向顾客提供高性能、高品质、经济性产品”的目标而努力.企业自89年至今连续被广东省工商行政管理局评为“守合同、重信用”单位.并通过ISO9001:2000、ISO13485:2003医疗器械质量管理体系认证。
Founded in 1974, we have grown to become a premier freight forwarder with employees, offices and strategic partners around the world. 自1974年建立以来,我们的员工、各地的办事处以及我们全球的合作伙伴都在朝着成为全球第一货运代理的目标不断努力,不断前进。
Founded in 1975, MAA is a leading Asian engineering and consulting service provider in the East and Southeast Asian region focused in the areas of infrastructure, land resources, environment, buildings, and information technology. 亚新集团创业于1975年,主要是为东亚及东南亚地区政府及私人企业提供包括基础建设、土地开发、建物结构、环境工程及资讯科技等方面,并以综合性国际化的专业技术与管理技能的全方位专业服务。
Founded in 1982, Vanda Group (“Vanda”) is a premier IT solutions provider in Asia that specializes in systems infrastructure and application solutions services. 中联集团(「中联」)成立于一九八二年,是亚洲区首屈一指的信息科技服务供应商,专门从事系统基建及应用解决方案业务。
Founded in 1982, through development of 24 years, fujil company leaves behind its own successful track and wins the title of “famous brand products of guangdong province”. 富仕公司创立于1982年,经过二十四年的发展,公司走出了自己的成功之路,赢得了“广东省名牌产品”的称号。
Founded in 1983, FoE is a charity dedicated to promoting environmental awareness and educating students and the general public on key environmental issues.Recently, FoE has been aiming to launch the Earth Station- a sustainable development education and r 香港地球之友在过往十八年致力教育及提升学界和大众市民的环保意识,近期更致力建设全港首个可持续发展教育及研究中心「地球站」,以一些新概念、新方法去推动环保,令香港继续向前迈进。
Founded in 1983, we are specialized in bakelite, urea, melamine , BMC (thermoset plastic), injection molding and molding design manufacture. 本公司创立于民国72年,为专业电木、尿素、美耐皿、BMC〈热固性塑胶〉射出成型代工及模具设计制造公司。

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