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He needs to persuade people that his conservative credentials on crime and terrorism trump his heretical views on other issues.

He needs to come to grips with reality. 他需要对付现实。
He needs to deliver a pizza to her house. 他在送个比萨去她家。
He needs to find a tutor to his home. 9他要找到一位家庭教师去他家。
He needs to inspire the workforce with the organization's aspirations and values. 他需要用企业的抱负和价值观激励员工。
He needs to marry a down-to-earth person who will organize his life for him. 他需要娶个讲求实际的人做妻子好为他安排生活.
He needs to persuade people that his conservative credentials on crime and terrorism trump his heretical views on other issues. 他需要使人相信,他在处理犯罪以及恐怖主义问题上的保守态度是他的最大砝码,并且足以盖过他在处理其他问题上那些不为人所接受的想法。
He needs to savor his victory. 他需要享受胜利的滋味。
He needs to see a doctor straightaway. 他需要立刻去看医生。
He needs to stop trying it. 他必须停止试投这种球。
He neglected to reply to the letter. 他疏忽了回覆那封信。
He negotiated a trade agreement with Japan. 他跟日本协调谈判一项贸易协定。

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