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Third, Chinese Hong Kong Dawn International Business Trade Investment Transnational Economic cooperation Networkaccumulated the rich domestic and foreign investors resources in many years attract/bid for/invite investments service process, with multitudin

Third place meant Champions League football for the first time and it proved to be to Chelsea's taste as we became the first English club to reach the quarter-finals at the first attempt. 联赛第三名意味着球队可以首次参加欧洲冠军杯的比赛,并且切尔西首次参赛就成为了第一支进入冠军杯四强的英格兰球会,这就是切尔西在欧洲赛场的初次体验。
Third process: After operated by the back forward gas baffler, the paper reciprocates to the drum of the third layer to perform flanging of the front side. 第三个过程:纸张经后推气挡板之作用,再往复至第二层滚筒完成前边折边。
Third rule of Fight Club, someone yells Stop!, goes limp, taps out, the fight is over. 规则三、当有人叫停,被打瘸了,快被打死了,停止!
Third stage, pneumatic stop pushed rear edge to fold and laminate front edge. 第三段,纸张后缘经后推气动挡板之作用,先折边再贴合完成,送入收纸台.
Third step: After the heavy start puts in the first compact disc the light to drive, then starts by the compact disc, after enters the original factory to restore the contact surface to press ENTER, can appear 3 inquiries, then enters Y, restores the comp 第三步:重启动后将第一张光盘放入光驱,然后由光盘启动,进入原厂恢复界面后按ENTER,会出现3个提问,然后键入Y,恢复光盘开始自动恢复系统。
Third, Chinese Hong Kong Dawn International Business Trade Investment Transnational Economic cooperation Networkaccumulated the rich domestic and foreign investors resources in many years attract/bid for/invite investments service process, with multitudin 三、《中国香港曙光国际商贸投资跨国经济合作网》在多年的招商引资服务过程中积累了丰富的国内外投资商资源,与众多的国内外投融资机构、许多地方政府及有关部门等建立了广泛而良好的合作关系,并拥有全国一流的咨询、策划专家。
Third, China's high rate of investment has masked the fact that investment returns have been declining because capital is allocated inefficiently. 第三,中国的高投资率掩盖了这样一个事实:由于资本配置效率低下,投资回报率不断下滑。
Third, I hope the SAR Government and the Hong Kong people in general will strengthen their confidence and work persistently towards a new economic landscape in Hong Kong. 第三,希望香港特别行政区政府和社会各界人士坚定信心,自强不息,努力开创香港经济发展的新局面。
Third, I keep a diary every day to practise my written English. 第三,我坚持每天记日记来练习写作。
Third, I recognised her as an authority on the subject, as she has spent two decades scraping around in people's mouths. 第三,我认可她在这方面的权威地位,因为她已经将20年的时间花在人们的嘴里了。
Third, I will try to reconstruct Aristotle's position as it is presented in the Nicomachean Ethics (EN), especially in book Ⅵ. 第三点,我将尝试著重建此论述在亚里斯多德《尼各马可伦理学》,特别是在第六章中的定位。

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