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Several computed formulas for the ∈ HOMO of the branching polyene homologous series are given.

Seventy cases of HBsAg positive chronic persistent hepatitis and HBsAg carrier were allocated to two groups: 0 cases treated with thymin pointinjection as treatment group; 将慢性迁延性肝炎及HBsAg携带者70例,随机分为二组:治疗组0例用胸腺素穴位注射;
Several 00MW to 00MW CFB boilers have been put into operation and the design of 00MW CFB boiler is reliable too. 已经成功投运若干台00~ 00 MW,比较可靠的设计已经达到00 MW。
Several Expressions in Stoner-Wohlfarth's Problems Stoner-Wohlfarth问题中的几个表式
Several Properties of Isometry Groups of Pinched Manifolds Pinched流形上等距群的几个性质
Several Theorems On Limit Sets of Isometry Groups of Pinched Hadamard Manifolds 关于HADAMARD流形上的等距群的几个定理
Several computed formulas for the ∈ HOMO of the branching polyene homologous series are given. 提出若干支化多烯烃同系列的∈HOMO(最高占据分子轨道的能量)计算公式。
Several experiments performed on the earthquake auspice datasets. 并在地震前兆数据进行了实现。
Several modified slaked limes were obtained by lime hydration in NaOH, KOH, NaCO and KCO water solutions of special concentrations. 特定浓度的NaOH、NaCO 、KOH和KCO 溶液消化生石灰获得改性消石灰吸收剂。
Several valuable conclusions on the time-dependence of the occupation probability, the multi-photon absorption, and the Bloch-Siegert shift are drawn. 由此得出了上能级占有几率随时间变化的解析表达式及多光子吸收、Bloch-Siegert频移等有用结果。
Severe food-allergic reactions in children ac-ross the UK and Ireland, 998-000 998~000年英国和爱尔兰儿童严重食物过敏反应的发病状况
Sextant Avionique Expands Operations in China 赛克斯坦公司重视开拓中国市场

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