On every summit you are on the brink of an abyss.
在每一座顶峰上,你都处在一个深渊的边缘。 |
On every visit to our Club, you will be greeted by the ever-increasing charms of its freshness and elegance.
她将以更健康、更婀娜的姿态迎接您的每一次到来。 |
On examination by carotid angiography, he proved to have right side carotid-cavernous sinus fistula.
经右侧颈动脉血管摄影后,证实为右侧颈动脉海绵窦瘻管。 |
On examination the main physical sign is tenderness in the epigastrium or right hypochondria, but between attacks this may be absent.
检查时,患者主要的体征为;上腹部和右季肋部有压痛,但在缓解期可无上述体征表现。 |
On examination we found that the goods do not agree with the original sample.
经过检查,我们发现货物与原样品不一致。 |
On examination, her visual acuity was normal and without apparent proptosis.
眼科学检查两眼大致正常。 |
On examination, his bilateral upper eyelashes lost with many pointed hair roots were found.
经详细检查后发现两眼上眼睑睫毛稀疏并且有许多发根截断残留现象。 |
On examination, she had a skin rash, pretibial oedema and jaundiced sclera; her liver was not enlarged and her spleen was not palpable.
查体:她有皮疹,胫骨前水肿,巩膜黄疸,她的肝脏无肿大,脾脏未触及。 |
On examination, there were red-brown papules and plaques on the extensor knees, elbows, and dorsal hands.
查体见双膝、双肘伸侧及双手背侧多发的红棕色丘疹及色斑。 |
On examination, we found the cargo do not agree with the original sample.
经过检查,我们发现货物与原样品不一致。 |
On expiration of the land tenancy for the development enterprise, renewal of terms may be done through coordination.
开发企业土地使用权期满后,经协商可以续期。 |