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Abstract: Dynamical mechanism of urban Sociospatial evolution was a“ hot-spot” study field in the foreign academe just as sociology, geography, demology and urban planning, and it also formed different theories.

Abstract: Durability zonation standard (DZS) is proposed to provide useful parameters for durable concrete structure design.It deals not only with the influence of environment on structures,but also with types,functions and importance of structures based 文摘:混凝土结构耐久性环境区划标准的目的就是为混凝土结构耐久性设计提供合理的设计参数.混凝土结构耐久性环境区划标准在结构全寿命周期成本原理基础上考虑了环境对结构的影响,并将结构的重要性、结构形式和功能等多方面因素一并纳入考虑之中.首先给出了混凝土结构设计耐久性环境区划标准的概念和建立该标准的3个基本原则,其次根据自然环境条件和结构重要性等确定了区划的主要影响因素,然后以浙江省公路桥梁结构耐久性环境区划图的编制为例说明了混凝土结构耐久性环境区划的可行性与实用性,最后根据区划图给出了耐久性区划标准的若干设计规
Abstract: During the colonialera ,the impact of Po rtuguese law on African customary law mainly included three ways: on administration, African customary law was weakened by enlarging the powers of the colonial governmentetc.;on legislation , it was modif 文摘:殖民时期葡萄牙法对非洲习惯法的影响主要表现在三个方面:行政方面,通过扩大殖民行政权力,控制非洲传统酋长,限制黑人参政议政权等削弱习惯法的作用;立法方面,通过修改葡萄牙宪法,制定《殖民地法》、《土著法》等修改非洲习惯法;司法方面,通过建立双重司法体制,并改革非洲法院,利用特别条款推行西方生活方式等限制非洲习惯法的适用。
Abstract: During the measurement of optical nonlinearities of sample in the thin film by Z-scan technique, ablating makes a hole in the thin film if the incidental laser power is too high, that will produce the error to measurement results. 文摘:用单光束扫描法研究薄膜材料的非线性光学性质时,如果入射样品的激光功率过大,将会烧蚀薄膜而产生孔洞,虽然其归一化透过率曲线类似于没有烧蚀的情况,但与样品的非线性光学性质无关,因而造成测量结果错误。
Abstract: During the reduction of iron ore-coal pellet in air,the combustible gas generated from the reduction in pellet is burnt onto the firing surface around the pellet.Between the pellet surface and the firing surface,ther e is such mixing gas contain 文摘:铁矿-煤球团在空气中能够还原的原因是:从球团排出的可燃性气体在球面附近的火焰面上燃烧,在火焰面内侧是氧化性较弱的可燃性气体和燃烧产物的混合物,铁矿-煤球团在弱氧化性气氛中具有抗氧化性;在火焰面燃烧放出的热量向球团传递,进行自热还原.
Abstract: During the reexamination of the Pertusaria specimens preserved in HMAS-L and NNU, 2 species new to China in this genus are added to the Chinese lichen flora in present paper. 文摘:从形态学、解剖学、化学及地理学角度对藏于中国科学院微生物所菌物标本馆(HMAS-L)和南京师范大学生命科学学院标本室(NNU)的鸡皮衣属地衣标本进一步鉴定,发现两中国新记录种.
Abstract: Dynamical mechanism of urban Sociospatial evolution was a“ hot-spot” study field in the foreign academe just as sociology, geography, demology and urban planning, and it also formed different theories. 摘要:城市社会空间演变的动力机制问题一直是国外城市社会学、地理学、人口学、规划学等学科研究的热点,形成了各种理论流派。
Abstract: Effects of regulated deficit irrigation(RDI)on conformation, activity and dry matter accumulation of maize root were investigated with pot cultivation. 文摘:以玉米为试验材料,利用盆栽试验研究了调亏灌溉对苗期根系形态、活力和干物质累积的影响。
Abstract: Efficacy of Cinnamoum camphora oil, Chinese cinnamon oil and Luicium verum oil which were selected from eight plant volatile oils against the stored grain instcts (Sitophilus zeamais, Rhizopertha dominica,Tribolium confusum) was studied. 文摘:从天然植物中提取的挥发油经初步试验筛选出8种杀虫效果突出的植物,以黄樟油、肉桂油、八角油对试虫(玉米象、谷蠹和赤拟谷盗)作用方式的测定发现,这些植物挥发油具有强烈的熏杀和触杀作用,而且具有用量低,致死作用迅速等特点。
Abstract: Eight cases of oral syphilitic eruption in secondary syphilis are reported. 文摘:报告8例口腔二期梅毒疹患者。
Abstract: Electric power is the pillar of economy. 文摘:电力是经济发展的命脉。
Abstract: Electroencephalogram(EEG) and transcranial Doppler(TCD) recordings were carried out in 25 children with migraine during ictal and interictal period. 文摘:本文对25例儿童偏头痛患者进行发作期和间歇期脑电图及经颅多普勒检查。

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