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An insatiable appetite; an insatiable hunger for knowledge.

An inquest has to take place where death is violent or unexpected, where death can be murder or manslaughter, where a prisoner dies and when police is involved. 对下列情况的死亡必须进行死亡调查:暴力或意外死亡,谋杀或误杀以及涉及警察的囚犯死亡。
An inquiring, omnivorous mind. 一个喜爱探究一切的头脑
An inquiry failed to establish the cause of the accident, but ruled out sabotage, but a second British investigation in 1969 said there might have been foul play. 调查小组也未能查清事故原因,但排除了政治阴谋的可能,但1969年来自英国的第2只调查小组称,这场空难有可能是一场谋杀。
An inquiry is now in progress. 调查工作此刻正在进行中.
An insane desire appeared in his mind. 一个疯狂的欲望在他的脑海中出现。
An insatiable appetite; an insatiable hunger for knowledge. 无法满足的胃口;永不满足的求知欲
An inscribed phrase in which certain letters can be read as Roman numerals indicating a specific date. 题字题字,某些字母可以读作罗马数字,表示特定的日期,
An inscription had been found on an ancient bone box (ossuary) that reads “James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus. 在一个古代的藏骨柜上发现了以下的镌刻文字:“雅名,约瑟之子,耶稣的兄弟”。
An insecticide derived from a plant, e.g. pyrethrum (from Chrysanthemum flowers). 3来源于植物的杀虫剂,例如除虫菊(来源于菊花)。
An inside-out swing enables the racquet to stay on line. 内外挥拍使网拍能停留在线上。
An insider at the BBC, which is organising it, said: “It would be great to have the Queen of Pop and the Queen in one place. 据BBC一位负责组织工作的内部人士称:“流行歌后和女王将同处一个场合内,那样应该不错。”

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