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A)Slip behind him into the shadows, and as he continues on, repeatedly scare the shit out of him! That's what he gets, the stupid ass.

A). In case of loading bunker fuel, open all control valves fully at the beginning of loading, then regulate control valves to keep the same flow rate to each tank. 在装重油时,开始时要把所有有关的伐门全开,然后将每个油舱的油量调至相同,加到数量后关闭该舱的伐。
A)1-5 C B A A B (B) 6. B 7. There are more three hundred kinds of sharks. 所有的鲨鱼很容易受惊吓,人类害怕鲨鱼,但鲨鱼更害怕人类.
A)By alleging something that, if true, would weaken the plausibility of the advertiser's conclusion. 通过断言一些事情,如果(断言)是真实的,就会削弱广告商结论的有理性。
A)Estragon: Nothing to be done.Nothing we can do about it. 「无事可作」或「无事完成」,没有我们可以作的,这些话的确「荒谬」。
A)May I introduce myself. My name is Frank Darney, legal advisor to the Netcape Com. 容许我来自我介绍.我叫弗兰克·达尼,是网景公司的法律顾问.
A)Slip behind him into the shadows, and as he continues on, repeatedly scare the shit out of him! That's what he gets, the stupid ass. 躲在他后面的阴影里,在他通过的时候,不停的吓他到屁滚尿流!那是他应得的,白痴。
A)Smirk and ask him what the square root of 16129 is, then walk away as they stand there and try to think of the answer. *giggle* Moron. 对他傻笑,然后问他根号16129等于多少,当他们站在那想答案的时候慢慢的离去。咯咯,傻瓜。
A, Excuse me. Is this Modern Co. Ltd? 请问这里是现代有限公司吗?
A, Lower extremity from groin to toes encased in sterile towels and sterile pillowcase; these in turn surrounded by sterile roller bandage. 下肢自腹股沟到足趾包入无菌巾和无菌枕套内,并依次环绕无菌绷带。
A- Dark, dazzling and engagingly original. 一个黑暗,让人眼花缭乱拉特尔原
A-DE: For about 9 months I was the only one, and then Ken Waite became assistant to the Karate teachers. 一德:约9个月,我是唯一一个,然后垦朗维特成为助理以空手道教师.

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