Be sure about exactly what you are and are not covered for and, more importantly, look to see just what the policy excludes. |
中文意思: 搞不清究竟是不是你盖的,更重要看不到底的政策. |
Be strong in your ignorance.
以无知让你更坚强。 |
Be stunned and amazed, blind yourselves and be sightless; be drunk, but not from wine, stagger, but not from beer.
9你们等候惊奇吧。你们宴乐昏迷吧。他们醉了,却非因酒。他们东倒西歪,却非因浓酒。 |
Be suitable in the field of connector, printed circuit board and semiconductor.
主要应用于接插件,印制线路板及半导体领域。 |
Be suitable in the field of printed circuit board,connector and semiconductor.
主要应用于印制线路板,接插件及半导体领域。 |
Be suited to hardware family property, outside furniture, light industry, food, drink, candy, schooling things, industrial arts, hardware tools, daily expenses general merchandise, chemical industry things, and so on.
适用于轻工、食品、饮料、糖果、文化用品、工艺美术、五金工具、日用百货、化工用品等。 |
Be sure about exactly what you are and are not covered for and, more importantly, look to see just what the policy excludes.
搞不清究竟是不是你盖的,更重要看不到底的政策. |
Be sure before you marry of a house where in to tarry.
先立业,后成家. |
Be sure he gets his head up and he heads for shore.
一定要保证他的头抬起来并且朝向着岸边。 |
Be sure not to leave before seeing one of the country's spirited festivals and sampling the Filipino zeal for living la vida loca.
菲律宾当代文化深受历史上西班牙和美国殖民统治的影响,这种影响集中体现在富有当地特色的基督教、美国式平民文化、西班牙式热情等。 |
Be sure not to let go your hold of the rope.
一定要抓住绳子,不可松手。 |
Be sure not to let your social activities get in the way of your studies.
一定不能让你的社交活动妨碍你的学习。 |