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From June 1978 to December 1979, we used autogenous dermis-fat implants from patients' buttock or thigh instead of synthetic implants for 9 cases undergoing enucleation.

From January 1, 2004, commercial service providers of Hong Kong and Macao may establish foreign-funded commercial enterprises in the Mainland. (一)自2004年1月1日起,香港、澳门商业服务提供者可以在内地设立外资商业企业。
From Jesus to aliens to Thoth - whomever - it is that aspect of your soul that creates your spiritual connection - the knowing that change is a foot [soul/sole] and that you are part of it. 从耶酥到外星人到透特-无论是谁-它是创造灵性连接你的灵魂的形象-了解改变是根本[灵魂/基础],而你就是它的一部分。
From Judah will come the cornerstone, from him the tent peg, from him the battle bow, from him every ruler. 4房角石、钉子、争战的弓、和一切掌权的、都从他而出。
From July 1992 to January 1993, a total of 5 cases of hypoplastic left heart syndrome were diagnosed by echocardiograms and confirmed by available angiographic, surgical or autopsy results. 摘要自从一九九二年七月至一九九三年一月,有五例左心发育不全症候群(以下称本病),经由超音波心图诊断,并有一例由心导管,二例由手术证实。
From Jun., 2005 to Oct., 2006, I worked in Neon Plumbing Products Ltd. as a translator, too, resposible for some documents related to some international standards for guiding some operations in production and also prepared some documents for PPAP (Product 2005年6月-2006年10月在广州番禺海鸥卫浴控股集团南鸥分公司任英文资料员一职,主要负责资料(英翻中、中翻英)的翻译,以及送样PPAP资料的制作。
From June 1978 to December 1979, we used autogenous dermis-fat implants from patients' buttock or thigh instead of synthetic implants for 9 cases undergoing enucleation. 摘要自1978年六月至1979年十二月,作者为9位施行眼球摘除术的病人,采取病人自身的皮脂组织植入眼窝中,代替传统所使用的人工合成代用眼球。
From June 21st to 22nd, organized by SC BU Factory Sensor Department, SC BU FS First Distributor Meeting was Held Successfully in Sheraton Youyou Hotel Shanghai. 2007年6月21日至22日,由西门子传感器与通讯部工厂自动化传感器部门组织的“西门子传感器与通讯部工厂自动化传感器第一届代理商会议”在上海喜来登由由酒店成功召开。
From Land Raider battle tanks, Rhino armoured personal carriers and Whirlwind missile launchers, to Tarantula sentry guns, Dreadnought armour and Super-heavy aircraft, like the Thunderhawk gunship, this book describes them all in superb detail. 介绍了41千年出现的各种战斗机械和武器,从注明的袭击者坦克、犀牛装甲车,到旋风导弹发射车、狼蛛多管炮、无畏机甲和超重型支援用战机,比方说雷鹰,全部以超级精细的照片、线图和文字资料奉献给您。
From Latin meaning with praise- is the third academic distinction at Grand Canadian Academy. Cum laude is a total average grade in all courses (Chinese and Canadian) of between 80 to 85%. 拉丁语的意思是:“享有最荣誉的奖项”-南京外国语学校中加国际高中在学习方面所授予的第三奖项。最佳学生奖获奖者(所有的中国和加拿大的课程)的所有学科平均分为80到85%.
From Lenin to Gorbachev, with the transition of national leaders, the policy and attitude of the Soviet government towards the Jews experienced a subtle change that resulted in a chain reaction among both the Jews at home and the Soviet society. 从列宁时代到戈尔巴乔夫时期,随着国家领导人的更替,苏联政府的对犹政策和态度也发生了微妙的变化,而这些变化无论是对境内犹太人还是苏联社会都产生了连锁反应。
From London-Antwerp trade to Atlantic business system, the overseas trade of England went through three historical stages, and established its colonial trade pattern eventually. 从最初伦敦与安特卫普之间的呢绒贸易,到17世纪中后期大西洋商业体系的初步形成,英国海外贸易经历了三个不同的历史阶段,并最终建立了殖民地贸易模式。

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