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And in the end, two rats chopped off his tongue and killed him.

And in the dungeon there was no water, but mire: so Jeremiah sunk in the mire. 井里没有水,只有淤泥;耶利米就陷在淤泥中。
And in the end he was DEAD RIGHT!!! 赛季结束时证明他完全正确!
And in the end of years they shall join themselves together; for the king's daughter of the south shall come to the king of the north to make an agreement: but she shall not retain the power of the arm; neither shall he stand, nor his arm: but she shall b 但11:6过些年后、他们必互相连合.南方王的女儿、必就了北方王来立约、但这女子帮助之力、存立不住、王和他所倚靠之力、也不能存立.这女子和引导他来的、并生他的、以及当时扶助他的、都必交与死地。
And in the end, it had a World Series trophy, too. 而最后的结果,也就是世界大赛的冠军。
And in the end, maybe showing they can play with the NBA's best team is all the Jazz could have realistically hoped for in this series. 正如邓肯所说了,也许,西部决赛最后的结果就是马刺晋级,而年轻的爵士证明了他们是有能力和NBA最优秀的球队对抗的。
And in the end, two rats chopped off his tongue and killed him. 结果,两只老鼠把他的舌头割下来,要了他的命。
And in the euro zone, sluggish economies are looking ever more lethargic. 在欧元区,低迷的经济从来没有这样让人昏昏欲睡。
And in the face of danger we are showing our character. 我们在困难面前显示了骨气。
And in the first year of Darius the Mede, I took my stand to support and protect him. 1又说,当玛代王大利乌元年,我曾起来扶助米迦勒,使他坚强。
And in the image, he isn't simply her son, he is her equal, her co-regent. 在这幅画里,他不仅是她的儿子,他具有同她一样的权利和地位,和她一起统治埃及。
And in the information wars that accompany each new disclosure requirement, the public often loses. 并且在资讯战争中,每一个新的开放资讯的要求,大众常常是输家。

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