For many purposes, “money in the bank” is money in its most convenient form.
“银行的钱”由于用途广泛,所以是最方便的钱。 |
For many readers of this newspaper, descendents of the Enlightenment and rationalists all, such a view might seem self-evident.
对本报的很多读者来讲,这个观点是不言自明的,因为他们都是文化启明运动和理性主义的后裔。 |
For many reasons, giving money is not the best response to an outstretched hand.
出于多种因素,对于伸出手来的乞丐来说,给他们钱并不是最好的回应。 |
For many reasons, we often have to encounter failure.
出于许多原因,我们经常要面对失败。 |
For many species, chromosome number is a useful taxonomic character.
对许多物种来说,染色体数目是重要的分类学特征。 |
For many students, MSN Messenger is an essential online tool.
对许多学生而言,MSN是上网时必备的工具。 |
For many the architect and builder of their marriage is self-it's no wonder so many marriages fail.
(圣歌127:1)许多婚姻的建设人是“自己”,所以才会有如此多的失败的婚姻啊。 |
For many this duality is a source of anxiety.
对许多人来说,这种双重身份正是产生焦虑的原因。 |
For many times acquire each etc. to scholarship during the period of school and excellent regiment staff's title of honor.
在校期间多次获得各等奖学金及优秀团干部荣誉称号. |
For many toy collectors, the month of July is an important month.
对许多玩具收藏家来说,七月是重要的月份。 |
For many undergraduates, it is very possible for them to leave their own major and seek for another field.
对于许多大学生,他们很可能会离开自己所学的专业,而转向其它行业。 |