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We clearly see the backside and wings of the shuttle docked to the much larger space station,says Vandebergh. Here is another image from a slightly different perspective.

We cannot comment on law enforcement's investigation because we do not yet know what it is about,a spokesman for the entertainer said. 调查没有任何正式理由,来自圣塔芭芭拉警察局和地区辩护律师办公室的20个官员不知在搜查什么。
We cannot tolerate that,he said. “我们不能忍受那,”他说。
We certainly have been working with the Iraqis in trying to increase their level of understanding about force protection,he noted. We send teams around to inspect. 他说,“我们当然一直在帮助伊拉克人更好地理解部队保护的内容。
We certainly need to keep our best players, without doubt. Michael and Emre are up there with our very, very, very best players that we have here. “我们当然会留住自己最好的球员,这一点毫无疑问。欧文和埃姆雷是我们这里最好、最好的球员。”
We checked into the Hilton Hotel in midtown… He continued to dish out larger and larger amounts of the drug… At about the time the sun came up, we took a shower and had sex… 我们住进城中希尔顿饭店……他不断拿出越来越多的毒品……大约在日出时分,我们淋浴,做爱……。
We clearly see the backside and wings of the shuttle docked to the much larger space station,says Vandebergh. Here is another image from a slightly different perspective. 我们清楚得看到飞船的后面和翅膀,它停靠在比它大得多的国际空间站上。这是另一张有细微差别的透视照片。
We come by this road to find Balian, who was defender of Jerusalem. 我们转程途经这处,找耶路撒冷捍卫者巴利安.
We conducted ourselves in a way that suited Gaby perfectly and he was delighted the way we looked after him. “我们有我们的管理方式,那是最适合加比的他也很高兴我们一直照顾他。”
We continue to have good employment and reasonable wages without thus far pushing the inflationary envelope on that front,Fisher elaborated. 费舍尔指出:尽管通货膨胀仍是我们首要关注的重点,我们将继续有很好的就业形势及合理的薪资。
We could never learn to be brave and patient, if there were only joy in the world. 费译:如果世上只有欢乐,我们就永远学不会勇敢和耐心。
We could phone Marge,Uncle Vernon suggested. “咱们给玛姬挂个电话吧。”弗农姨父建议说。

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