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For this, gird yourselves with sackcloth, Wail and howl; For the burning anger of Jehovah Has not turned away from us.

For this you need to be a serious student of the breed and devote years of your life to it. No in one day, out the other. 为了繁殖,你必须要全心的付出若甘年的心力。不可以毫无准备,就开始进行。
For this you need to be a serious student of the breed and devote years of your life to it. No “in one day, out the other”. 若要繁殖狗狗,繁殖者自己要先建以概念:每次繁殖狗时首要的考虑是该如何做才对这个品种最好,而不是你的荷包会进多少帐。
For this you realize, knowing that every fornicator or unclean person or greedy person (who is an idolater) has no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. 5因为你们晓得这事,知道凡是淫乱的,或是污秽的,或是贪婪的,(就是拜偶像的,)在基督和神的国里,都得不到基业。
For this, I am forever grateful. 对此,我永远心存感激。
For this, based on the setting of the development of SMEs, this paper analyzes the problem and put forward countermeasure from the strategic point. 鉴此,以浙江中小企业发展的实际情况为背景,从战略层面对其发展进行剖析并提出相应对策。
For this, gird yourselves with sackcloth, Wail and howl; For the burning anger of Jehovah Has not turned away from us. 8因此,你们当腰束麻布,恸哭哀号;因为耶和华的烈怒,没有转离我们。
For this, put forward taking small village community as study unit, using field work method for qualitative analysis, for carrying out a new study view and method, and investigate the regulation in developping rural sports. 为此,提出以村落社区为研究单位、以田野调查的方法进行定性研究,以实现研究视角和研究方法上的突破,探索农村体育发展的规律。
For this, the small town need reasonable market position, and pass to carry out the marketing strategies, such as brand marketing and green marketing. etc. to give the support and propulsion. 因此,小城镇建设需要合理的市场定位,并通过实施品牌营销、绿色营销等营销战略予以支持和推进。
For this, they have spent a lot of time in thinking out a solution to deal with it, wheras it's impossible. 为此,他们已经花了很长时间去想解决方案,尽管这是不可能的。
For this, we suggest brief activities of no more than 20 minutessuch as simulation games, small workshops, group dynamics, mime, etc. 因此我们建议,每个活动要简洁,以“不超过二十分钟”为原则,例如用「模拟游戏」、「实地操作」、「团体合作」等方式。
For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. 因为他预先所知道的人,就预先定下效法他儿子的模样,使他儿子在许多弟兄中作长子。

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