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Cut in with a few remarks.

Cut desired tattoo using safety scissors. 用安全剪刀剪出你想要的刺青形状.
Cut down on your smoking. And you'll get over it soon. 少抽烟,你就会很快好起来。
Cut ends of asparagus. Cook in boiling water with a little of salt and oil for 3 minutes. Drain and arrange on a serving plate. Keep warm. 制法:1.露笋切去头尾,放入沸水中,加入少许油盐煮3分钟,沥乾后排放碟上,保暖备用。
Cut expenses as much as possible. 尽量减少开支.
Cut flowers, blooming plants, herbs, wreaths and swags with that farm-fresh look are a natural extension of this homespun decor. 插花、开花植物、草本植物、花环和具有乡村气息的垂挂装饰物自然而然成为这种朴素的装饰格调的组成部分。
Cut in with a few remarks. 插嘴讲几句.
Cut it a little shorter, please. 请剪得稍短一些。
Cut it into rings as in 1.5cm each and discard the end of legs. 将鱿鱼砌成每个1.5厘米之鱿鱼圈,鱿鱼须则去除最尾部份。
Cut it out along the eye's line with Polygonal Lasso Tool. 使用多边形套索工具沿着眼角线条将云彩选择并裁剪。
Cut it out! 够了!
Cut it out! = Knock it out!= Stop it! 少来这一套!同学之间开玩笑的话。

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