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Therefore, it is unlikely that decomposition temperatures for non-stick cookware would be reached without burning food to an inedible state.

Therefore, it is significant to fully analyze the cause of accounting information distortion, explore the countermeasures against it and further rectify and construct the accounting industry to ensure the factuality of accounting information. 因此,全面分析会计信息失真的原因,努力探索治理会计信息失真的对策,加大对会计行业的整顿和建设,确保会计信息的真实性,具有十分重要的意义。
Therefore, it is significant to strengthen relations among Beijing studies, local studies and capital studies, to broaden area coverage, to develop various research models, to enhance research of applied theories, and to increase the chances of critical i 所以,北京学发展过程中既要加强与地方学、首都学的联系和扩大研究的区域范围,还应不拘泥于研究范式,加强应用理论研究,扩大研究队伍的同时增加批判性支流的机会。
Therefore, it is suggested that the environmental factors related to the origin of Chinese ancient man in these regions are bound up with the rapid uplift of the QXP. 从而提出:这些中国古人类起源的环境因素与青藏高原的剧烈隆起有关。
Therefore, it is the demand of judicial culture construction to build humanized retrial procedure. 因而重视并构建人性化的再审程序是司法文明建设的要求。
Therefore, it is the meat important work to deal with the interfaces of the subsystems, and is also the basic factor to ensure the whole system's safety, reliability and harmonious status. 这个综合系统及其各个子系统能不能安全、可靠、协调地运作,至关重要的是要正确地、完整地处理好各子系统自身以及子系统相互之间的接口问题。
Therefore, it is unlikely that decomposition temperatures for non-stick cookware would be reached without burning food to an inedible state. 也就是说,在食物被烧焦到出现无法食用的情况之前,不粘涂层是不会达到分解温度的。
Therefore, it is very easy to propagate the Dhamma through the modern, sophisticated and high technology means. 因此弘法在这个现代,物质取向与高科技发达的社会是便利的。
Therefore, it is very important to study the high yielding practices systematically. 所以系统研究高产措施至关重要。
Therefore, it is very suggestive and helpful to deeply acknowledge the deep orientation of his Ci works and accordingly acquire the art valuation of them from the perspective of individual psychology. 从个体心理研究的角度进行阐释,对更切实地体认李煌词的深层指归,更深入地认识李煌词的艺术价值不无益处。
Therefore, it is vital for the development of our criminology to strengthen the research for crime statistics. 我国犯罪学理论研究的不发达与犯罪统计研究的落后有关。
Therefore, it is vitally important for the plastic surgeon to bear in mind the severity of the disability and its resistance to treatment, and to prevent the amblyopia from the very beginning. 以强调在发育期间遮盖眼睛的严重后果,进一步避免此等遮盖性弱视的形成。

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