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To confirm that the histamine receptor connects the drug, AMPK activity and appetite, the team gave clozapine to mice genetically engineered without a histamine receptor.

To conduct experiments on embryonic stem cells, scientists extract the clump from its blastocyst (destroying the rest of the embryo in the process), and then keep the stem cells separately in Petri dishes. 在对胚胎干细胞进行实验的过程中,科学家们首先从胚泡中提取出凝块(在此过程中破坏了胚胎的剩余部分),然后将干细胞单独存放在皮氏培养皿中。
To conduct investigation and research into all matters related to knitwear and synthetic knitting manufacturing. 调查及研究一切有关羊毛化纤针织工业之各种问题。
To conduct routine predictive, preventative and breakdown maintenance on all types of mechanical equipment in all areas of the plant, while adhering to all safety requirements and policies so to ensure reliable equipment. 根据公司规章制度及安全要求,对装置内的所有机械设备,进行日常的预防,预测及紧急修理。
To conduct specific consultative services,project surveys and decision making advices entrusted by various governmental agencies. 承接各级政府及其职能部门委托的课题调研、政策研究、决策咨询。
To confirm its findings and push them even further, McCann mounted its own directconsumer inquiries about MasterCard. 为了证实和发展其发现,麦肯对万事达的直接消费者进行了调查。
To confirm that the histamine receptor connects the drug, AMPK activity and appetite, the team gave clozapine to mice genetically engineered without a histamine receptor. 为证实组胺受体和药物、AMPK活性、和食欲相关,研究组给经遗传重组后缺失去组胺受体的小鼠氯氮平药物。
To conform to the development trend of the world telecom industry and reply to the fierce market competitions after China's entry into WTO, our Corporation will lay stress on scientific R&D, chain operation and the coordinated management of production, su 为顺应世界通讯业的发展趋势,积极应对我国加入WTO后的激烈市场竞争,我公司将着重加大科研开发,连锁经营两种模式的生产、供应、销售一条龙经营投资力度。
To conform to the laws of a particular plane is a practical necessity, and at this time the flying saucer craft simply cannot afford to stay betwixt and between for any indefinite period. 遵循特殊层面的法则是实际的需要,这时,飞碟根本不能承受任何不确定期间的模棱两可的和介于两者之间的停留。
To confuse intelligence and dislocate sentiment by gratuitous fictions is a short-sighted way of pursuing happiness. 以无理的幻想混淆智力,弄乱正常的情感是一种短视的追求幸福的方法。
To congratulate you on your success and wish you every happiness through the years ahead. 衷心的祝贺与最美好的祝愿一起献给你。愿你的生活永远美好无比!
To connect in Divine Will, love and light with others. 与神圣意念连结,并和他人分享爱和光。

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