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The China Civil Aviation Association welcomes civil aviation organizations in Taiwan to come and talk about direct air links any time.

The China Banking Regulatory Commission may increase the minimum requirement of capital adequacy ratio of an individual company in line with the company's risk profile and risk management capability. 汽车金融公司资本充足率不得低于10%,中国银行业监督管理委员会视汽车金融公司风险状况和风险管理能力,可提高单个公司资本充足率的最低标准。
The China Banking Regulatory Commission shall demand correction and impose a fine of RMB1000 yuan if a company includes in its name such words as “auto finance”, “auto loan”, etc. that indicate the company's engagement in auto financing business. 擅自在机构名称中使用“汽车金融”、“汽车信贷”等表明从事汽车金融业务字样的,由中国银行业监督管理委员会责令其改正,并处1000元罚款。
The China Banking Regulatory Commission shall have the power to adjust the minimum registered capital of an auto financing company in line with the developments of auto financing business and the prudential requirements, but the adjusted floor shall not b 中国银行业监督管理委员会根据汽车金融业务发展情况及审慎监管的需要,可以调整注册资本的最低限额,但不得少于前款规定的限额。
The China Banking Regulatory Commission shall revoke the license to conduct financial business and issue a public notice of the revocation if the auto financing company, after receiving the business license, fails without justification to open business wi 汽车金融公司自领取营业执照之日起,无正当理由3个月不开业或开业后自行停业连续6个月的,由中国银行业监督管理委员会收回其许可证,并予以公告。
The China CDC issued the guidelines of “HIV/AIDS Diagnosis and Treatment” and organized national level training courses for grass roots medical staff. 中国疾病预防控制中心下发《艾滋病诊断与治疗指导方案(试行)》,组织了全国技师培训和基层医师进修培训。
The China Civil Aviation Association welcomes civil aviation organizations in Taiwan to come and talk about direct air links any time. 大陆的民用航空协会随时欢迎台湾民用航空组织到道路来就知道航班一事进行洽谈。
The China Daily newspaper said the new legal interpretation backs up a May regulation issued by the Communist Party's discipline organ, which offered leniency to corrupt officials who confess their crimes. 中国日报称新的司法解释支持了党中央纪律检查署发布的五月规则,对那些主动承认错误的人员给于宽大处理。
The China Daily newspaper says the mineral reserves were located during a seven-year study of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau by one thousand scientists from the China Geological Survey. 中国日报报导,中国地质调查局的1000名科学家在青藏高原进行的7年勘探发现了这些矿藏。
The China Daily says a red tide also has been spotted near Hong Kong in recent days, prompting the city's government to warn people not to swim in polluted areas. 中国日报说,近几天来香港附近也发现“红潮”,致使香港政府警告民众,不要在受污染的水域游泳。
The China Daily says the Horizon Research Consultancy Group conducted the survey of about one-thousand women on behalf of an Internet dating site. 《中国日报》说,零点研究咨询集团为一个因特网的约会网站,对大约1000名女性进行了这项调查。
The China EU relationship has entered into a new phase of solving troublesome issues and making the ambitious plans into reality. 摘要过去3年中欧关系是绘制蓝图和确立目标时期,目前中欧关系已进入勇于解决问题和实现雄心壮志的阶段。

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