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Some important factors such as the mole ratio of glycerol to Lauricacid, synthesis temperature and catalyst were studied and the optimum condition of synthesis was determined as follows: synthesis temperature was at 180CC, mole ratio was 2:1, and 0.2% P-T

Some images show soldiers positioned behind camouflage netting, others with Palestinians in their gun sights, and others watching the city through night scopes. 一些图片显示士兵们躲在伪装网后面,一些巴勒斯坦人在他们的射程范围之内,另一些士兵在监视夜的都市。
Some important collections also successively include it, thus has formed the Chu Bookmany kinds of editions. 一些重要的丛书也先后将其收录,从而形成了《楚书》的多种版本。
Some important conclusions have been formed in the comparative study of Chinese and western values, however, some viewpoints are so perplexing that have to be clarified. 摘要关于中西价值观念的比较,学界已经形成许多重要结论,然而也留下一些令人迷惑且有待澄清之处。
Some important conclusions were drawn, i.e., the different land uses have great influences on the nitrogen and phosphorus loss; and the output concentration of nitrogen and phosphorus varies obviously with the duration of rainfall and the amount of runoff 得出平原河网区内不同土地利用方式片土壤氮、磷流失的影响很大,同时也得出在平原河网地区氮、磷的输出浓度与降雨时间、径流大小密切相关等结论,为进一步相关研究提供资料积累。
Some important experiment phenomena in nuclear physics had been understood from the point of view of interplay between order and chaos. 最后,用有序-混沌相变的概念解释和理解了核物理中一些重要的实验现象。
Some important factors such as the mole ratio of glycerol to Lauricacid, synthesis temperature and catalyst were studied and the optimum condition of synthesis was determined as follows: synthesis temperature was at 180CC, mole ratio was 2:1, and 0.2% P-T 考察了影响产物产率及纯度的因素,确定了反应的最佳条件是:反应温度180℃,甘油与月桂酸的摩尔比2:1,催化剂对甲基苯磺酸的用量0.2%。
Some important problems on the studies of volcanic rocks of orogenic belts, which include the volcanic magmatism within plate, volcanic magmatism at constructive plate margins and volcanic magmatism at destructive plate margins, are discussed and reviewed 本文对造山带火山岩石学研究中的一些重要问题进行了讨论和评述,这些问题包括有:板块内部火山岩浆活动、离散板块边界上的火山岩浆活动、会聚板块边缘的火山岩浆活动。
Some important problems on the study of volcanic rocks of orogenic belts, which include volcanic magmatism within the plate, volcanic magmatism at constructive plate margins and volcanic magmatism at destructive plate margins, are discussed and reviewed i 本文对造山带火山岩石学研究中的一些生要问题进行了讨论和评述,这些问题包括:板块内部火山岩浆活动、离散板块边界上的火山岩浆活动、会聚板块边缘的火山岩浆活动。
Some improvements and suggestions for modifications of the safety and liability regulations in the Railway Law and Mass Rapid Transit Law were developed from the perspectives of preventionand caution. 本研究尝试以系统化分析方式,从现行法规架构下,构建出完整安全管理架构,以及归责赔偿保险问题,研提改善之措施与修法之建议,俾利轨道主管机构及相关单位参考。
Some impurity as well as bromine was brought by solid matter that smuggled with foam fog in flash steam. 闪蒸气中雾沫夹带的固体物引入了溴等杂质。
Some in Moscow note the similarities to the Russian stand-off of 1993, which ended with Boris Yeltsin's tanks shelling Russia's parliament. 有人比现在的局面类比为1993年俄罗斯的争端,直到叶利钦的坦克开进了俄罗斯国会,争端才结束。

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