But while global energy executives may be eager to begin drilling under the Kuwaiti desert, many here don't want to relinquish11 any national control of the lucrative12 oil fields.
虽然全球能源主管人员也许热切想要开始在科威特的沙漠下钻探石油,此间却有许多人不想将国家对赚钱油田的任何控制权让渡出去。 |
But while he pondered these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary your wife, for that which has been begotten in her is of the Holy Spirit.
20正思念这事的时候,看哪,有主的使者向他梦中显现,说,大卫的子孙约瑟,不要怕,只管娶过你的妻子马利亚来,因那生在她里面的,乃是出于圣灵。 |
But while it is unlikely that people have a mental, smell-based map of their partners in the way that voles do, there are strong hints that the hormone pair have something to reveal about the nature of human love: among those of Man's fellow primates that
尽管与田鼠不一样,人类不太可能有一张基于嗅觉的神经系统伴侣图谱,但若干线索已有力说明,这两种荷尔蒙能揭示一些人类恋爱的本质∶在已被研究过的人类灵长目同伴之中,一夫一妻制小长尾猴的大脑奖赏中枢系统中,抗利尿激素水平较非一夫一妻制的恒河短尾猿高。 |
But while she is in good health, her 79-year-old daughter has been hospitalised for frail health.
但是,尽管老人的身体状况十分的棒,她那79岁的女儿却因为健康问题住进了医院。 |
But while such measures may have helped to ease pressure on scarce resources and reduce once widespread poverty, they are also aggravating demographic imbalances that could undermine these gains.
然而就在这些措施可能协助减轻了稀缺资源带来的压力并减轻了一度蔓延的贫困问题的同时,也同样加重了人口统计学上的不平衡,这有可能破坏已有的成就。 |
But while that's very simple for viewing pictures, and makes a great mockup, it's not that easy to upload pictures.
这虽然使得看图片变得非常容易,但也有把事情弄糟的时候,因为上传图片并不容易。 |
But while the meat was still between their teeth and before it could be consumed, the anger of the LORD burned against the people, and he struck them with a severe plague.
33肉在他们牙齿之间尚未嚼烂,耶和华的怒气就向他们发作,用最重的灾殃击杀了他们。 |
But while this seems pretty clear cut, there has been plenty of controversy and alternative theories put forward.
但在有如此明显的线索的同时,依然能举出很多与此相悖或并不确定的时间理论。 |
But while video evidence confirms it was Emmanuel Eboue, his team-mate, who struck Wayne Bridge, it does not fully exonerate Adebayor.
虽然影片证据确定殴打布里奇的人是他(阿德巴约)的队友埃布埃,但这却不能为阿德巴约开罪。 |
But while working in retirement certainly can supplement your post-career income, not to mention keep you more socially engaged, it would be a mistake to make such earnings a core component of your retirement plan.
但是,退休后工作当然能补充你后工作时期的收入,更不用说会使你更忙碌,不过把退休后工作的收入作为退休计划的核心部分是一个错误。 |
But who among the plentiful new crop of advisers to would-be presidents will be pre-eminent?
但是,在诸位总统候选人为数众多的谋士当中,谁会是出类拔萃的呢? |