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Using this formula to analyze some experiment result, some conclusions were reached that the formula was suitable for single line soften model but not for double line soften model.

Using this approach to calculate the distance the sprite moved ensures that the sprite will move consistently if the speed of the game or computer varies. 使用这种方法大致计算精灵移动的距离以确保精灵在游戏或电脑的速度改变时仍能连贯地移动。
Using this approach, one can test the feasibility of a subsystem and technology in the initial iterations. 使用这种方法,可以在初始迭代过程中测试一个子系统和技术的可行性。
Using this case as a focal point, analyze the nature and causes of dissimilar suit between affiliate companies, seeking its origin of the trend, give some proposals for our current system which is deal with the dissimilar suit and prefect it. 以本案为切人点,分析关联公司间诉讼异化的本质及其成因,寻求其回归本源的对策,对我国现行制度应对异化诉讼的措施及其完善提供一定的建议。
Using this concept into the Chinese classical architecture, this paper and analyzes the structure of it in order to find its artistic fascination and give o new view of appreciation and design on architecture. 该文将中国古典美学中“意境”这一范畴运用到中国古典建筑艺术中,并通过创作者(建筑师)和接受者(欣赏者)对其意境结构进行剖析,从而充分挖掘中国古典建筑艺术中独特的意蕴,为建筑的赏析及设计提供新的思路。
Using this formalism you can compute ΔE of a mutation. 你可以通过该方式计算出突变体的ΔE。
Using this formula to analyze some experiment result, some conclusions were reached that the formula was suitable for single line soften model but not for double line soften model. 运用该公式对已有试验资料进行分析比较,得出此公式适用于单直线软化模型,不适用于双直线软化模型的结论。
Using this information, you identify major user groups of your Web site. You then select the characteristics that are most representative of that group and turn them into a persona. 通过这些信息,你可以区分出网站(产品)的主要用户群。从用户群中选择最有代表性的特征,把他们转换成人物角色。
Using this metadata, the Entity Framework generates a set of classes that programmers use to interact directly with the conceptual model and indirectly with the storage model and the underlying data store. 通过这些元数据,实体框架生成一系列的类让编码人员能与概念模型交互,并间接地与存储模型和底层数据存储交互。
Using this method the author not only can estimate the exponential lifetime from data, but also can terminate the test at a very opportune moment. 该方法的思想可以推广应用于其它产品的可靠性试验与分析中。
Using this method, WHO estimates that the case fatality ratio is 14% in Singapore and 15% in Hong Kong. 用这种方法,WHO估计病死率在新加坡为14%,在香港为15%。
Using this method, the trend of the seepage flow is analyzed in No. 1 tailings dam of Dexing Copper Mine. 该方法将时间序列、数据序列分离,并分别与阶段序列构成模型后,进行同步预测。

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