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The self, especially as distinct from the world and other selves.

The selection of vortex flowmeters, the settings of the pararmeters and the cautions in installation and operation of vortex flowmeters are presented concretely. 具体介绍涡街流量计的选择,涡街流量计的参数设定,安装及使用注意事项。
The selection panel have also discussed turning to the Manchester City manager Stuart Pearce, Hull City's Peter Taylor or Alan Curbishley, who will leave Charlton at the end of the season, as potential assistant managers to foster similar continuity in th 选帅小组也讨论了让曼城的皮尔斯,赫尔城的皮特-泰勒或者将在赛季末离开查尔顿的阿兰-柯比什利作为潜在的助理教练来保持未来的连贯性。
The selection process was carried out through random selection in our computerized email selection machine (TOPAZ) from a database of over 250,000 email addresses drawn from all the continents of the world. 选拔过程进行了随机选择的电脑邮件筛选机(黄玉),从数据库中的25万多人的电子邮件地址来自世界五大洲.
The selective agglomeration experiments are processed on kerosene and kerosene is at 14.8% consumption with respect to solid. 使用煤油进行了选择性的烧结实验,煤油的消耗量为固体燃料的14.8%。
The selector is accused of showing prejudice in failing to include him in the team. 有人指责遴选者怀有成见才未吸收他加入该队。
The self, especially as distinct from the world and other selves. 自我,自己自我,尤指不同于世界和其他个体
The self-adjustment – self-purification is the instinct of the ecosystem inclined towards self-balance. 生态系统的自我调节——自净能力,就是事物——生态系统趋向自身平衡的本能。
The self-administered questionnaire collected data on sleep patterns, sleep problems, smoking and drinking behavior, behavioral and emotional problems, life stress, and demographic characteristics of the adolescent and family. 这些调查问卷收集了关于他们睡眠模式,睡眠问题,吸烟和喝酒习惯,行为和情绪问题,生活压力,以及他们和他们家庭所处的人口分布情况的数据。
The self-assured Gates of 1992 was obviously a man of his times, confident of his industry's ability to change the world, certain that the power of markets and new technology, once unleashed, would address most of the world's ills. 译文:1992年那个踌躇满志的盖茨显然是属于那个时代的,他坚信他从事的行业有能力改变这个世界,(坚信)市场和新技术的能量一旦得到释放,就可以解决世上大多数问题。
The self-belittling person must grow in self-respect before God will say“Go”. 自卑的人必须学会自尊,上帝才能使用他。
The self-confidence bought with unyielding efforts is of endless benefit to one's whole life. 通过不懈努力换来的自信心可以使人受益终生。

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