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However, the simulation results of the superlattice with 4% lattice mismatch show that the thermal conductivity increases monotonically with the period length.

However, the script is changing beloved. 但是,剧本正在改变,至爱的人类。
However, the selection of number of components in the mixture for a sample data set is still a rather difficult task. 然而,如何仅仅针对一组来自于某个有限混合体模型的数据选择出分量或聚类的个数则依然是一个非常困难的问题。
However, the sensational style of this work has been elated by the writer's sunny mind, awaken awareness and philosopher's eyesight. 而充盈其间的阳光心态、觉醒意识和“哲人目光”使得作品的情感格调得以升华。
However, the shopkeeper can't depend excessively on the discount and must make considerations from all sides because a wrong discount may lead to negative effects and attract some consumers unfavorable to the company finance, who are excessively sensitive 但是开店业者并不能过度依赖折价优惠;必须从各层面考虑,因为错误的折价优惠可能会带来负面影响,反而会吸引到一些不利于公司财务的消费者,而这群人对于价格极于敏感、促销活动一结束就会消失得无影无踪。
However, the shortage of the controlling money has become the bottle-neck for the controlling of the lake. 然而治理资金的短缺已成为制约城市湖泊治理的一大瓶颈。
However, the simulation results of the superlattice with 4% lattice mismatch show that the thermal conductivity increases monotonically with the period length. 而对于具有4%晶格失配的超晶格模拟结果却表明,超晶格导热系数随周期长度的增大而单调上升。
However, the skin's natural rejuvenating processes begin to slow down as time passes by. 但是,随着年龄的增长,肌肤自然更新的周期便会开始减缓。
However, the socializing aspect would be unlikely to feature in the exam. 然而,社会协作将不可能在考试中得以体现。
However, the software magnate has almost an entire department working to filter out unwanted mails. 然而,这位软件业巨富拥有一个基本完备的部门,专门负责为他过滤那些无用或有害的邮件。
However, the source is open and you can freely modify. 然而,源代码是开放的,可以自由修改。
However, the specific recommendations in this guidance may not be applicable to certain unique analytical procedures for products such as biological, biotechnological, botanical, or radiopharmaceutical drugs. 但是,本指南中特定的建议可能不适用于有些产品所用的特殊分析方法,如生物药,生物技术药,植物药或放射性药物等。

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