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202 a working drawing must be clear and complete.

2008 spirit is the one of self-exceeding in life. 2008精神/即是对生命自我超越的精神。
2008 was the latest date for the introduction of full universal suffrage. 全民普选最快可在2008年实施。
201 We should add a clause regarding arbitration of differences. 我们应该附加一条关于仲裁分歧的条款。
2010 Open to the public before the launch of World Expo Shanghai. 2010年上海世博会前正式向公众开放。
202 Command not implemented, superfluous at this site. 命令未被执行,此站点不支持此命令.
202 a working drawing must be clear and complete. 工作图必须简明完整。
203 Just look at this drawing. 看看这张图吧。
203The best way to understand the character of a society is to examine the character of the men and women that the society chooses as its heroes or its heroines. 了解社会特征的最佳方式就是研究那个社会所认为的英雄人物的特征。
204 We agree to i ert a clause giving you a ten-day grace period. 我们同意给你加上一条10天宽限期的条款。
204 We agree to insert a clause giving you a ten-day grace period. 我们同意给你加上一条10天宽限期的条款。
2046 brings Wong full circle: having taken up the hedonism of the self-destructive antihero of Days, the aging Mo-wan discovers that neither self-denial nor self-indulgence makes a dent in the prison of time, space, and desire. 是王家卫电影的一次总结,周慕云延续了《阿飞正传》中那个自毁性的反英雄人物,今朝有酒今朝醉,曾经沧海的他终于明白,无论自我谴责还是自甘堕落,都无法挣脱时间、空间、欲望的束缚。

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