In the structure identification, reinforcement and strengthening aspects, ever worked on the strengthening and reinforcement of Suzhou Manfu Building; structure identification and reinforcement of Nantong Kentucky Salesroom (former Nantong restaurant), Su |
中文意思: 在结构鉴定、加固、补强方面,曾补强加固过苏州满福楼酒店,南通肯德基门市部(原南通饭店),苏州蠡口国际家具城、苏州家乐居装饰城等结构的鉴定加固工作。 |
In the street the sword bereaves; In the house it is like death.
在街上刀剑使人丧子,在屋里犹如死亡。 |
In the street, he saw two demons bringing an epidemic.
他看到街上有两个魔鬼带来了瘟疫。 |
In the streets they wear sackcloth; on the roofs and in the public squares they all wail, prostrate with weeping.
3他们在街市上都腰束麻布、在房顶上和宽阔处、俱各哀号、眼泪汪汪。 |
In the streets, lamps are fixed to lampposts.
街上,灯是固定在街灯柱上的。 |
In the streets, men were playing Go at makeshift tables, young and old shop staff were throwing themselves into a highly skilled game of shuttlecock football, children were skipping and men and women were busily kneading great wads of dough.
在大街上,人们在凑合的桌子上玩围棋,老老少少的店员投身于高技巧的踢毽子运动,孩子们在蹦蹦跳跳,男男女女忙着揉大面团。 |
In the structure identification, reinforcement and strengthening aspects, ever worked on the strengthening and reinforcement of Suzhou Manfu Building; structure identification and reinforcement of Nantong Kentucky Salesroom (former Nantong restaurant), Su
在结构鉴定、加固、补强方面,曾补强加固过苏州满福楼酒店,南通肯德基门市部(原南通饭店),苏州蠡口国际家具城、苏州家乐居装饰城等结构的鉴定加固工作。 |
In the structure of downhole assembly for steering well drilling, the selection of tool stabilizer, upper stabilizer and calculated outside diameters, the selection of screw bending angle have influence on the side force of azimuthal increase and decrease
摘要在导向钻井钻具组合结构中,本体稳定器、上稳定器的选用与计算外径,以及螺杆弯角的选用,对用全力增、减方位时的侧向力有影响,可用来评价导向钻井钻具造料特性,分析和设计导向钻具组合。 |
In the structure of sexual desire, the primary signifier of every subject is the phallus.
在性欲望的结构里,每个主体的最初符号具就是阳具。 |
In the struggle , the STRAP broke and , with the bag in their POSSESSION ,both men started running through the trees .
在挣扎中,包的带子破了,2个男的把包一抢到手就跑到树林里去了。 |
In the struggle for life,the species,which had not been successful,died out.
在生存竞争中,不能成功的物种就灭绝了. |
In the struggle, the strap broke and, with the bag in their possession, both men started running through the trees.
在争抢中,手提包的带断了,包落入这两个人手里,他们拔腿跑进了树林。 |