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Anti-sweatshop campaigners say the voguefor the embroidered crystals on garments of all kinds, from jeans to saris, has directly led to the exploitation of tens of thousands of schoolchildren who sadly remain the most adept at hand-stitching the glass bea

Anti-spam groups are trying to stem the tide of unsolicited e-mail. 反垃圾邮件团体试着阻止大批不请自来的电子邮件。
Anti-sub Plane Aircraft launching from enemy submarine. 敌军潜水舰正在发射飞机。
Anti-sub Plane Enemy sub launching burst missile. Brace for impact. 敌军潜水舰,发射弹道导弹!弹着预备(准备承受着弹)!!
Anti-sub Plane Missile away from enemy sub. 敌潜水舰,导弹发射。
Anti-sub Plane Stand by. We're dropping a new sonobuoy. 知道了。我们正在投放一个新的声纳(浮标)探测仪。
Anti-sweatshop campaigners say the voguefor the embroidered crystals on garments of all kinds, from jeans to saris, has directly led to the exploitation of tens of thousands of schoolchildren who sadly remain the most adept at hand-stitching the glass bea 印度共有1260万童工,许多童工都在这样的手工作坊里干活,因为他们灵巧的小手更适合将这些细小的饰品加工到服装上。
Anti-ulcer effect: the β-eudesmol of cang zhu can inhibit the secretion of stomach acid and can inhibit ulcer. 四.抗溃疡作用-苍术桉叶醇可抑制组织胺性胃酸分泌,抗溃疡作用。
Anti-war rhetoric dominated the speeches of several Democratic candidates who recently addressed a convention of construction union workers in Washington. 多位民主党候选人近来在华盛顿建筑联盟大会上向工人们发表反战演说。
Anti-worms, eliminate pains, cure cold and eczema. 杀虫驱虫,止痛,治疗风寒感冒及湿疹。
Anti-wrinkle: the anti-oxidation elements in the guava could effectively resist the free radicals, reduce wrinkles, and make the skin smooth. 重点抗皱:红石榴天然萃取精华红石榴多酚是天的抗氧化成份,有助抵抗自由基,逐渐减淡最后达至平复皱纹,回复肌肤青春亮泽,平滑光洁。
AntiGlare coating: Does its job well but does make image somewhat fuzzy, nothing worth bitching about though. 防强光镀膜:这个做的还不错但是会让图像有一些的模糊。似乎并不值得这么做。

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