Breast cancer death rates begin to decline.
乳腺癌死亡率开始下降. |
Breast cancer is the second most common cancer in the world with approximately 1 million of new cases every year, even if the disease tends to have a relatively favourable prognosis.
乳癌是世界上第二常见的癌症,每年大约有1百万新发病例,虽然该病目前趋向于预后相对良好。 |
Breast cancers most often metastasize to the axillary lymph nodes, and these nodes are often removed at the time of surgery for breast cancer.
乳房癌最常转移至腋淋巴结,而且这些淋巴结通常在乳房癌外科手术时被除去。 |
Breast implants, a jar of bull's sperm and three dead bats in a container, have also turned up at Transport for London's lost property office.
多枚隆乳植入物、1瓶公牛精液及放在1个容器里的3只死去蝙蝠,也出现在伦敦公共车船失物招领处。 |
Breast milk can help slow bacterial growth and acid production in the mouth.
母乳可以抑制口腔细菌的滋生,并可以减少酸质在口腔内的产生。 |
Breast milk contains antibodies that (which) protect babies from infections.
母乳含有保护婴儿使他们不受感染的抗体。 |
Breast milk is considered the best nutrition for infants, with studies documenting numerous benefits, including lower risks of diarrhea, ear and respiratory infections, and allergies.
母乳被认为是婴儿最佳的营养物,研究列举许多好处,包括可以降低痢疾、耳朵及呼吸感染、过敏的风险。 |
Breast symptoms (eg, pain, lumps, nipple discharge) are common, accounting for >15 million physician visits/yr.
乳房症状(如乳房痛、肿块、乳头排泄物)很普遍,每年就诊者>1500万。 |
Breastfeed your baby on demand with no regular fixed feeding time.
请就婴儿之所需而哺饲婴儿,不必采用固定之授乳时间。 |
Breastfeeding can be stressful enough, and it seems far better for a mother to eat a well-balanced diet that satisfies her appetite than to obsess over each thing she eats.
母乳喂养足够(提供营养),让母亲随心所欲的选择她爱吃的事物已达到营养均衡要比对她的食物设限好得多。 |
Breastfeeding, in and of itself, is not a drain on physical energy, although most women do feel fatigued when pregnant.
疲累在孕期中是正常的,哺乳并不一定会消耗母亲额外的体力。 |