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Angle masters with various angles, prisms, corner cubes and lage aperture and high precision cemented plate.

Angiostrongylus cantonensis is the most common cause of eosinophilic meningitis worldwide. 摘要广东住血綫虫是全世界引起嗜伊红血球性脑膜炎最常见的原因。
Angiotensin also stimulates production of aldosterone, which leads to Na retention; excessive intracellular Na enhances the reactivity of vascular smooth muscle to sympathetic stimulation. 它还刺激醛固酮的产生,导致钠潴留;细胞内钠过多增强血管平滑肌对交感刺激的反应性。
Angkor is one of the most important archaeological sites in South-East Asia. 吴哥窟区是东南亚最重要的考古学遗址之一。
Angkor's total construction area is about 24 km in length,8 km in width,which was built in Khmer Angkor Dynasty's heyday as the enduring legacy of religious architecture. 吴哥窟总建筑群占地24公里长,宽8公里,是高棉吴哥王朝全盛时期所遗留下来的不朽宗教建筑;全城雕刻之精美有「雕刻出来的王城」美誉。
Angle Class Ⅱ is a common severe type of malocclusion. 摘要安格氏二级异常咬合是一种常见的咬合不正。
Angle masters with various angles, prisms, corner cubes and lage aperture and high precision cemented plate. 不同角度的标准角块、棱镜、角反射器(角锥棱镜)及大口径、高精度的光胶板。
Angle two is the backhand return of angle one, traveling diagonally from your left to your right from the opposite side of the opponent's body. 角度2是角度1的反方向动作,从你的左侧斜到你的右侧,划过对手异侧的身体。
Angled the story in such a way as to criticize the candidate. 使故事带有这种倾向性来批评候选人
Anglesey (spelled Anglesea by mistake in the first edition of PA) is an island off the west coast of Wales, almost due east across the Irish Sea from Dublin. 安格尔西是位于威尔士西海岸的一个小岛,东部毗邻都柏林的爱尔兰海。
Anglican ministers occasionally opposed slavery, but backed down when gentlemenwho financed the church forbade them to interfere. 英国国教的牧师有时候反对奴隶制度,但是当身为教会财主的「绅士」们禁止牧师干预时,他们就退缩了。
Anglican – Anglicans are found worldwide and worship in national churches which generally follow the teachings of the Church of England. 英国圣公会教徒——英国圣公会教徒遍布世界各地,并且是在普遍遵循着英格兰教会教义的各国教会来做礼拜。

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