The results of terrace correlation will be involved too much subjectivity and complexity to make a reasonable explanation.
笔者以近年来进行河阶地调查、对比、分析的经验,提出具体实用性的方法。 |
The results of test run showed that the systems were of high intelligence, high automatization, high speed and high reliability.
试验窒考机及用户试运行结果表明,两套系统具有智能化水平高、自动探伤功能强、探伤速度快以及运行稳定可靠等优点。 |
The results of that decision can now be evaluated as the first ships of the new gas turbine Navy far enough advanced to enable a comparison to be made with existing steam turbine warships.
……,并以英海军第一艘先进新型燃气轮机舰只与现有蒸汽轮机舰只相比来估价这个决定结果。 |
The results of the 2-year field experiments of reducing chemical N fertilizer application in rice growth and the 1-year demonstration and extension on a rather of large-area showed that appropriately selecting various ways of reducing chemical N fertilize
摘要通过2年水稻化学氮肥减量施用田间试验及1年较大面积的推广示范研究,结果表明:崇明常年高氮水平下的水稻栽培区,降低氮肥用量可以通过土壤高、中、低碱解N含量水平,以维持现有水稻单产为原则,针对性地选取减氮途径进行减量,2年结果可比习惯施肥减氮15%~20%。 |
The results of the 2-yrs investigation in 1993 and 1994 show that significant phenological phases occurred in various months, and are listed as follows: budding and leafing phase was from March to April; flower appearing phase in April; peak leafing phase
以1993年和1994年两年间的调查结果显示,在福山地区明显的物候现象发生的月份如下:3月和4月为抽芽展叶,4月为花出现,4月和5月为展叶盛期,4~6月为开花期,7~10月为着果期,10月至次年2月为落叶树种之落叶期。 |
The results of the 2006 Taipei and Kaohsiung Mayorial and City Council Elections are: in Taipei, Kuomintang (KMT) candidate Hao Long-bin defeated Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidate Frank Hsieh to win the mayoral election as expected; while in Ka
摘要北高两市市长与市议员选举结果出炉,在台北市,代表中国国民党参选的郝龙斌如预期的击败代表民主进步党参选之谢长廷,当选为台北市长。 |
The results of the Raman spectrum indicated that the carbon black was the main color constituent of black coating and the hematite was that of red coating.
拉曼光谱的分析结果表明,黑色陶衣的主要显色物质为炭黑,红色陶衣的显色物质为赤铁矿。 |
The results of the Yom Kippur War fo 1973 gave the Palestinians no option at all.
1973年的“赎罪日战争”并没有给巴勒斯坦带来任何的转机?选择的余地? |
The results of the afore-mentioned studies, as well as the inversion and calculation of practical seismic data indicate that the structure of the wavelet network is much easier to be determined than that of the artificial neural network, while the converg
通过以上综合研究及对实际资料进行反演计算、分析,认为小波网络与人工神经网络相比其网络结构要容易选定,并且收敛速度快。 |
The results of the analyses indicate that it is more adequate to evaluate the influence of dynamic compaction upon buildings with the standard of earthquake intensity jeopardizing buildings.
结果表明,强夯对建筑物影响分析采用地震烈度对建筑物危害标准进行评价是比较合适的。 |
The results of the analysis also indicated that salary level, types of medium, and opportunities for exchange and training were significantly related to extrinsic job factors.
在影响工作满意度的因素方面,本研究发现,月薪、媒介型态及进修交流机会是影响「外在因素」的重要变项。 |