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Three and five equals eight.

Three Wise Men from the East (the Magi) followed a wondrous star which led them to the baby Jesus to whom they paid homage and presented gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. 有三个贤明的来自东方的人(东方三博士)跟随着一颗神气的星星,将他们带到小耶稣身边,并奉上他们的敬意和黄金、乳香,还有没药树这些赠品。
Three Years War begins along Maine and Massachusetts border. 1722年的今天,三年战争在缅因州与马萨诸塞州间的边境上爆发。
Three acceptable positions for installing are shown in sketches below. Figure 1 installation is preferred when a special tapping is provided in the tank or heater. 下列草图中显示三种可接受的安装位置。如果容器或热水器上有特制的安装孔,最好按照图1的显示的安装位置安装。
Three alterable experimental parameters were chosen: liquid pressure, flux and electrostatic voltage. 试验选择了3个可变操作条件:液体压力、液体流量及静电电压情况下。
Three alternatives are derived from the statistical results, and one alternative is selected for the reference of the content refinement of NFGIS database. 方案的最终确定还需要采取空间分析的手段进行修正,使之可以作为数据库内容完善的参考。
Three and five equals eight. 三加五等于八。
Three aortas are shown to demonstrate mild, moderate, and severe atherosclerosis from bottom to top. 从下到上依次是轻度、中度、重度动脉粥样硬化病变。
Three applications of 300-500 times diluent liquid were done at the proper control period of disease. 在发病初期,使用20%噻森铜悬浮剂300~500倍液,连续用药3次,防效可达约80%。
Three approaches is as follow according to this article; the innovation should aim for civil fundamental rights beforehand; the innovation should comply with the due procedure; afterwards the dispute on legality or constitutionality of the administration 可在事前、事中、事后三个阶段予以规制:在事前判断创新目的是否保障公民基本权利,在事中创新是否遵循正当程序,而事后可由立法、行政复议、行政诉讼甚至违宪审查予以决定创新的存废。
Three are killed in the subsequent combat, since the flag was raised on the fifth day of battle and not at the end, as the American public believed. 其中三人在随后的战斗中阵亡,按照美国人的普遍说法,是在硫黄岛战役第五天、竖起国旗之后,而其时战争尚未结束。
Three are natural hormones -- estradiol, progesterone and testosterone -- and three are synthetic hormones -- zeranol (an estrogen), trenbolone acetate (a steroid with androgen effects) and melengestrol acetate (a progestin), the study authors said. 三种是天然激素――雌二醇,孕酮和睾酮,三种是合成激素――折仑诺(一种雌激素),醋酸去甲雄三烯醇酮(一种有雄激素作用的类固醇)和醋酸美仑孕酮(一种黄体酮),研究人员说。

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