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Not today, asshole.Today we're taking the scenic route,via the bottom of the ocean!

Not to the extent of the hundreds of thousands romantically imagined by the hotel chambermaid, but to the very solid amount of £8000 pounds. 虽然没有达到旅馆女仆们浪漫幻想的几十万的程度,但是非常据可靠的数据证实也达到了8000磅。
Not to underrate Iaquinta, or anyone else they would have signed, but they simply would not have been able to replace him without spending 75 per cent of their summer budget on that one man! 亚昆塔的实力不容小觑,还有其他那些原本可能签下的锋线球员,不过他们都不可能代替那个特雷泽盖,除非尤文肯把夏季预算的75%都用来买前锋!
Not to use by those with bleeding ulcer withing the past 3 month. 胃病患者﹐在三个月内有呕血史者不宜服用。
Not to worry though, the dried human waste will be cleaned and treated before being dumped on a side of the volcanic island that has been desolate in the past 50 years. 然而,外界无须担心,这种乾燥的人类废弃物会先加以洁净处理,才会倾倒在这座已经荒芜50年的火山岛之一侧。
Not to worry. I'll find another way up. 不用担心,我会找到另一条路上来。
Not today, asshole.Today we're taking the scenic route,via the bottom of the ocean! 今天不去了,蠢驴。今天我们走一条风景优美的路线,海底两万里!
Not tolk white cat black cat, catch morse are good cat! 不论白猫黑猫,抓到老鼠就是好猫!
Not too bad as you both value the finer things in life. 天秤-金牛:彼此都对生活要求颇高,这让你们走到一起。
Not too bad!/Pretty good!/Couldn't be better!/Just so-so./I'm just my oldself! 还不坏!/非常好!/好的不能再好了!/凑合吧!/我还是老样子!
Not too bad. 不太糟。
Not too bad. Thank you. 还可以。谢谢.

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