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A novel method is reported for mass separation of proteins, based on sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE).

A novel image preprocessing method by combining the deconvolution based on Fourier transform with the white Gaussian denosing method based on finite ridgelet transform is proposed, and then a corner detector is gotten according to the values of cornerness 提出基于傅立叶变换去模糊并结合有限离散脊波变换实现去噪的图像预处理方法,并在此基础上利用拐角测度法实现拐点检测。
A novel in a style emphasizing the grotesque, mysterious, and desolate. 哥特式小说着重描写怪诞、恐怖和孤寂的小说
A novel materials design procedure based on the co-doping of metal nanoparticle and azo dye compound (MNPADC) is developed to improve the properties of functional molecules. 为改善功能分子的特性,提出一种基于金属纳米粒子-偶氮染料复合物共掺杂超分子结构功能材料的设计新方法。
A novel method for estimation of original flow length distributions from sampled flow statistics is proposed to obtain the distribution feature of unsampled flows. 摘要为了得到未抽样流的分布特征,提出一种新的由抽样报文流数据来估计原始未抽样流长度分布的方法。
A novel method for the radar full pulse data analysis, called the extremum sequence analysis method, is put forward. 摘要针对脉冲雷达提出了一种新的雷达信号全脉冲数据分析算法―极值序列分析法。
A novel method is reported for mass separation of proteins, based on sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). 报导了一种基于十二烷基硫酸钠聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(SDS-PAGE)的新型蛋白质质量分离方法。
A novel method of content-based image segmentation using deformable template matching is proposed.A two-dimensional (2-D) deformable template based on orthogonal curves is built by pre-computing extensions of the deformable template along orthogonal curve 本文提出一种采用可变形模板匹配技术进行基于内容的图像分割算法.通过预先计算出可变形模板沿着变形的正交曲线,并对模板曲线及正交曲线进行离散抽样,建立一基于正交曲线的二维(2-D)可变形模板,针对图像分割问题定义控制可变形模板进行变形的内、外部能量函数,本文采用遗传算法搜索能量函数最小的全局最优解.该新算法比传统的可变形模板匹配方法降低了搜索空间的维数,减少了算法对模板初始位置的敏感.对实际图像及模拟低信噪比图像处理的结果表明,新算法具有良好的分割精度及稳定性.
A novel method of histogram analysis for background extraction of video images was proposed, which was derived from the pixel-based histogram analysis. 摘要在基于像素的直方图分析背景提取的基础上,提出了基于块的直方图分析背景提取方法。
A novel modularized Near-field Scanning Optical Microscopy was developed, with its modules such as tuning-fork optical fiber probe, scanning head and scanning platform etc, of high performance and easy operation. 摘要采用模块化的设计思想,制成了高质量且简单易用的音叉光纤探针模块、模块化的扫描探头、扫描台等,从而研制出高性能,易操作的模块化的保偏近场扫描光学显微镜。
A novel motion estimation algorithm which is based on compensability analysis of the input video signal is proposed.The motion estimation operation is performed only on the compensable blocks in the image frame.The time of estimation computation and the b 本文介绍了一种新颖的运动矢量估计算法,我们首先对待编码的图像进行可补偿性分析,然后运动矢量搜索只对可补偿块操作,因此无论是搜索次数还是用于对运动矢量编码的比特数均明显少于传统算法.
A novel nano-SnO2 electrode was fabricated and applied to the fast counting of E. coli in water. 制备了新型纳米二氧化锡电极,将此电极用于水体中大肠杆菌的快速计数研究。

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