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Such denunciation shall not take effect until one year after the date on which it is registered.

Such debts are often incurred in another lifetime within one's genetic history (an ancestor) or by their soul. 这类债务经常是在遗传历史(一个祖先)或自己灵魂中,由另一个生命期间所招致的。
Such decoration was a typical feature of the baroque period. 这种装饰是巴罗克时期的特徵.
Such deficiencies cause lysosomal storage disorders, such as Gaucher's disease, and replacement of the gene is an effective treatment. 这样的缺陷引起溶酶体堆积病(例如,高歇病),基因置换是一种有效的疗法。
Such delicate negotiations as these call for great tact and patience. 象这样一些微妙的谈判需要有极大的机智和耐心。
Such demographic differences influence people's buying decisions. (这些人口统计上的不同因素,影响人们的购买决定。)
Such denunciation shall not take effect until one year after the date on which it is registered. 此项退出应自登记之日起一年后发生效力。
Such deposits and payments or refunds shall be without prejudice to the ultimate liability of the parties. 保证金的提供、支用或退还不影响各有关方的最后责任。
Such descriptions require several hundred pages in other books, and would take away from the skills that you need for the Red Hat exams. 如此的描述在其他的书中需要一些百页,而且会从技术取走哪一你对红帽考试的需要。
Such designs have been used in cultures throughout history, including American, where the seal of the U.S. Government features a spread-eagle. 这样的设计被使用在贯穿历史的各个文明里,包括美国,美国政府的图章容貌是一只展翼鹰。
Such determination is not unique to students in South Korea. 这样的决心在南韩的学生中并不是个案。
Such determined opposition to the laws of society, of course, produced a revolutionary cleavage in that society. 这种对社会纲常的坚决反抗,当然在社会上产生了一种具有革命意义的分裂趋向。

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