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National Institute of Standards and Technology said.

National Geographic Channel is the world's first national geographic channel which brings to you the best of the best knowledge in natural science. 国家地理频道是全球首个以探索科学新知、自然生态、世界文化、历史及人类探险为主题的电视频道。
National Guard Lieutenant General Steven Blum says his forces are well armed, but that their job is not to go after the delinquents. 国民警卫队中尉布卢姆说,他的部队有良好的装备,不过他们的任务不是去追捕不法份子。
National Guard helicopters are dropping tons of hay to cattle herds that had been stranded in heavy snow drifts. 国家警卫队直升飞机正在向由于大雪被困的牲畜群扔下数顿干草。
National Health Insurance, Justice, Health Care Reform, Taiwan. 全民健保、正义、健保改革、台湾。
National Institute Economic Review. 英国经济学会评论》分析各国经济形势,预测经济发展趋势。
National Institute of Standards and Technology said. 协调世界时是通用的国际标准时间。
National Journal of Sexual Orientation Law--- 性取向法律期刊,北卡罗来纳大学主办,全文.
National Peasant's Party: Chair.-Dragan Veselinov. 全国农民党:主席-德拉甘·维塞林诺夫。
National Research Council of the Philippines: Bicutan, Tagig, Metro Manila; tel 82204-09 f.1934; Pres. Dr. Rual P. De Guzman. 菲律宾全国研究委员会:大马尼拉,1934年成立,主席:苏尔·德·古斯曼。
National Resources: petroleum, fish, shrimp. 自然资源:石油、鱼、虾。
National Resources: petroleum, gas, coal, chromium, nickel and copper. 自然资源:石油、煤气、煤、铬、镍和铜。

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