Remote monitor management technology is applied to managing the equipment in computer room, which can help not only to reduce the manpower expenses, but also to improve the management automation level.
摘要利用远程监控技术对计算机机房内的设备进行管理,可以有效降低机房管理工作中的人力开支,提高管理工作的自动化程度。 |
Remote start up and shut down,remote monitoring of fingerprint date,time andattendance,remote date management.
远程进行终端考勤机的开机、关机,以及读取指纹数据、考勤/管理记录、考勤机状态。 |
Remote starting and alarm test for steering gear motor.
舵机马达遥控起动和报警试验。 |
Remote viewing (RV) is a form of clairvoyance by which a viewer is said to use his or her clairvoyant abilities to view, i.e. gather information on a Target consisting of an object, place, person, etc., which is hidden from physical view of the viewer and
遥视是一种千里眼的形式,遥视者据说是运用他或她透视的能力去“观察”,把信息聚集在一个由物体,地点,人物等组成的目标上,是隐藏在遥视者的物理视域里面,尤其是与遥视者分开一定的空间距离,有时候也同样分开时间距离(过去或未来)。 |
Remote viewing and grid traveling are not for everyone - but once successfuk at it - can bring much needed information and fine tune your psychic abilities.
遥视和栅格旅行并不适合所有人——可是一旦成功——能够带来更加多所需的信息,你的精神能力会变得和谐。 |
Removable nested containers provide a compact storage solution.
活动间格—方便分类收藏不同食物或物品。 |
Removable passenger seat cover comes as standard equipment.
可拆卸的乘客座椅是标准配置。 |
Removal of handwheel without affecting the position of valve (closed or open).
手轮可拆卸,不影响阀门的开关位置(关闭或开启)。 |
Removal of oil, grease, dirt, soil, salts and contaminants by cleaning with solvent, vapor, alkali, emulsion or steam.
用溶剂、蒸汽、碱液或乳剂除去附着的油脂、污痕、灰尘。 |
Removal of the bottom plug and spring assembly.
拆卸底部塞和弹簧总成。 |
Removal of the casket from its box was less easy, but it was taken out, for it was a perquisite of Jess, who carefully unscrewed the cover and laid it aside, exposing the body in black trousers and white shirt.
把棺材从坟墓中取出来却不是那么容易的事了,但它还是被弄出来了,因为做这项工作的话,杰斯可以领取额外费用,只见他小心翼翼地掀开棺材盖、放到一边,随后那个身穿黑裤子白上衣的尸体就露了出来。 |