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Such incapacity (or inability) that permanently disables you from taking any employment that you were capable of undertaking before the injury.

Such imbalances can reflect shifts in competitiveness and warn of trouble ahead—especially, perhaps, in a currency union where the costs of wage adjustment are high. 这种赤字水平往往预示竞争力的变化和将来的麻烦-尤其是一个在工资调整代价高昂的货币联盟内,可能更明显。
Such immaturity is self-caused if it is not caused by lack of intelligence, but by lack of determination and courage to use one's intelligence without being guided by another. 如果不是因为缺少理智,而是因为在无人引导时缺少使用自己理智的决心和勇气,那么此种不成熟状态就是自我导致的。
Such implementation will require a prospective and systematic approach in the community through primary care necessarily adapted in different settings with adequate resourcing for success. 上述执行需要前瞻性与有系统的在社区进行,必须顺应不同的状况从基层照顾给予适当的资源以确保成功。
Such improvisation is based on a musician's creative impulses, and is often inspired by interactions with the other players or the audience. 这样的即兴演出基于乐手的创作冲动,通常是由与其它乐手或与观众间的互动激发起来的。
Such impulsive acts as hugging strangers; impulsive generosity. 比如拥抱陌生人这种冲动的举止;一时冲动的慷慨大方
Such incapacity (or inability) that permanently disables you from taking any employment that you were capable of undertaking before the injury. 此项伤残所造成的工作能力之丧失(或欠缺),会永久地令你不能从事在受伤前可胜任的任何工作。
Such incapacity (or inability) that reduces your earning capacity, present or future, in any employment that you were capable of undertaking at that time. 此项伤残所造成的工作能力之丧失(或欠缺),会减低你现在及将来从事任何工作时的赚取收入能力。
Such incidents often presage war. 那样的事件常成为战争的前兆。
Such incidents, Vesak full moon day, the rays of the moon in sky and the excellent (sadu) voice of temple whisper your virtues. 佛陀你降生在月圆之日,月光陪同著寺院那善哉的颂赞音声轻轻地吐露著对你的景仰。
Such incredible experience makes every navigator stauncher. 如此难以置信的经历使每一个航海家都更加坚强.
Such indirect cleaning has the same effect as direct cleaning. 这种间接清洗有着与直接清洗同样的效果。

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