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We used to entertain our friends and be entertained by them.

We used to copy foreign models mechanically, which only hampered the development of our productive forces, induced ideological rigidity and kept the people and grass-roots units from taking any initiative. 例4.过去我们搬用别国的模式,结果阻碍了生产力的发展,在思想上导致僵化,妨碍人民和基层积极性的发挥。
We used to cross the river by ferry. 我们以往是靠渡船过河的。
We used to dig tunnels in the sand. 我们以前常在沙推中挖山洞。
We used to do business with them on FOB basis. 我们过去和他们通常按装运港船上交货价做生意。
We used to enjoy civilized pleasures. 我们过去享受文明的愉悦。
We used to entertain our friends and be entertained by them. 我们会招待朋友,也接受朋友的招待。
We used to go camping every summer when we were students. 我们当学生时每年夏天我们都去野营。
We used to go camping every summer. 我们过去每年夏天都去露营.(现在不这样做了.
We used to go out for a walk by the river after supper. 我们过去常常在晚餐后去河边散步。
We used to go there every year. 我每年都去那儿。
We used to go to the mountain village for a holiday year after year. 我们以前年年都去那个山村度假。

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