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Lots of goods were sent there by air.

Lots of bell ringers were killed by lightning. 许多敲钟人被闪电击毙。
Lots of birds and and beasts become extinct. 许多鸟兽现已绝种。
Lots of damage was caused by fire. 许多损失由火灾引起的。
Lots of different style graphics: If a website seems to jump time periods, color schemes, and image themes that is not a good sign. 包含太多不同风格的图片:如果一个站点需要在不同的时期、颜色和图片主题信息之间进行跳转,而上述信息又不能充分的表达中心思想。
Lots of experiment results showed that proper pretreatments could reduce the negative influences of Co binder phase in the substrates and improve the diamond nucleation and film adhesion, and this obtain ideal film quality. 大量实验结果表明通过适当的预处理能有效消除或抑制基体中钴黏结相的负面影响,提高金刚石的形核密度以及膜基结合力,从而获得理想的薄膜质量。
Lots of goods were sent there by air. 大量的货物空运到那里。
Lots of hard work there and on your website. 译文:在你的网站内可以看到你花了极多的极努力的工作.
Lots of metal nanoarrays have been made in AAO template. 目前,应用此模板已合成出多种金属纳米阵列。
Lots of middle-income countries are rich enough to carry the burden themselves. 大部分的中等收入的国家足够富裕能自己承担这个负担。
Lots of other fixes which I really can't remember now. 修正了很多我现在都不记得的问题了。
Lots of peasants leave their hometowns to look for jobs in Beijing. 很多农民离开老家到北京找工作.

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