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Full of high-spirited fun; frisky and playful.

Full moon type:You certainly don't believe today is a such good luck, doing regardless what matters the absolute being of[with] all lucky luck regard with affection you, self-confidence, diligently carry on, can reach a purpose. 满月型:您一定不相信今天是如此的好运,无论做什么事都有幸运之神眷顾著您,自信、努力地去进行,就能够达成目的。
Full of apprehensiveness; timid. 畏怯的充满恐惧的;胆怯的
Full of empty or pretentious language; bombastic. 言过其实的充满空洞或虚假的语言;吹牛的
Full of expectation towards life, we absolutely will live a healthy life. Nice heart, good health. 对生命充满期望,我们绝对会过得健康。美丽的心情,健康的生命。
Full of fairy tales' imagination in colorful world, the dialogue among the dolls, heard silently, this is a place that can play willfully. 五彩缤纷的世界里,充满童话想像,玩偶间的对话,悄悄被听见,这是一个可以恣意玩耍的地方。
Full of high-spirited fun; frisky and playful. 嬉闹的充满乐趣的;乐趣的;顽皮的
Full of hope, the Chinese plunge into the vast sea of the stock market. 中国人就这样满怀希望,一个猛子扎进了股市的汪洋大海。
Full of jubilant delight; joyful. 充满欢喜的;快乐的
Full of natural goodness, the pear is rich in potassium, iron, vitamins A and C, and other nutrients. 此外,香梨还具有医疗保健的功效,富含葡萄糖、果酸、铁、维生素A、C等,营养价值很高。
Full of news; informative. 充满信息的;内容充实的
Full of or characterized by bloodshed and violence. 血腥的充满流血或暴力的或以此为特征的

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