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Any class with an abstract method is automatically abstract itself, and must be declared as such.A class may be declared abstract even if it has no abstract methods.

Any civilians killed – including the Chinese – were in the crossfire, he said. 他表示,包括那些中国人在内,所有平民伤亡都是在交火中发生的。
Any claim for compensation for pollution damage may be brought directly against the insurer or other person providing financial security for the owner's liability for pollution damage. 可向承担船舶所有人油污损害责任的保险人或提供经济担保的其他人直接提出针对油污损害的任何索赔。
Any claim must be received by us at this office in writing or through authenticated swift message of first rate bank, followed by required written declaration, on or before said date. 任何的要求必须在该日或该日之前以书面形式,由我行在此办事处收妥,或透过甲级银行的环球银行财务电信协会信息,并随之送交必须的书面声明书.
Any claim to the contrary, it said, was the product of “a cold war mentality”. 它说,任何指责都是“冷战思维”的产物。
Any claimant under this insurance policy shall at the request and at the expense of the Insurance Company do and concur in doing and permit to be done all such acts and things as may be necessary or reasonably required by the Insurance Company for the pur 应保险公司的要求并由保险公司支付费用,本保险单项下的任何索赔人应完成、同意完成并允许完成为了实施任何权利或救济或者为了从其他第三方获得免责或赔偿(保险公司按各节规定,因就任何灭失或损害予以支付或者修复而应享有或有权享有该等免责或赔偿或取得该等免责或赔偿的代位求偿权)而可能必要的或者为保险公司合理要求的一切行为或事务,无论该等行为或事务在保险公司对其予以偿付之前或之后属必要或成为必要或者是必须的。
Any class with an abstract method is automatically abstract itself, and must be declared as such.A class may be declared abstract even if it has no abstract methods. 任一类以一个抽象方法自动地是抽象的本身,且必须被声明,一个类可以被声明是抽象的既使它没有抽象方法。
Any clause or sub-clause of these rules shall be null and void in respect of any particular agreement if the application of that clause or sub-clause would bring any party to this agreement with in the scope of any legislation relating to investment or to 如果某个特定协议中的规定中,其任何条款或者子条款的适用,会使该协议任何一方在协议执行所在国的投资或者产权卷入法律纠纷(或者引起诉讼),则该条款或者子条款即为无效。
Any clause, covenant or agreement in a contract of carriage relieving the carrier or the ship from liability for loss or damage to, or in connection with, goods arising from negligence, fault or failure in duties and obligations provided in this article o 运输契约中任何条款、约定或协议,凡解除承运人或船舶由于疏忽、过失或未履行本条款规定的责任和义务,而引起货物或关于货物的丢失或损害责任的,或在本公约外减轻这种责任的,都应作废或无效。
Any clever politician can usually rig up a way to make the voters believe what he says. 任何聪明的政治家通常都能想出办法能使选民相信他的话。
Any clothing or leather that has semen on it must be washed with water, and it will be unclean till evening. 17无论是衣服是皮子,被精所染,必不洁净到晚上,并要用水洗。
Any club or district prepared to pick up this exciting project could indeed find no better way to Lend A Hand. 任何准备挑选帮助此一计画的扶轮社,实在也找不出更好的方法来伸出援手。

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