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An intensive study of a few books is more valuable than much careless reading.

An intensive adverb. 加强语意的副词
An intensive peeling serum for stressed, lifeless and problem skin. 它能改善饱受压力、毫无生气的皮肤状况,例如色泽不均及皮肤细纹现象。
An intensive research indicates that the approach of Phenomenology, in the same logic, is helpful for developing a uniform and profound understanding of Asta-Vijnanaand Sva-samredana. 借用当代现象学的有关见解,我们将能对唯识宗的上述学说获得一种统一的和更为透彻的理解。
An intensive search failed to reveal any clues. 经过彻底搜查未发现任何线索.
An intensive search fails to reveal any clues. 尽管经过严密搜索, 还是什么线索也没发现.
An intensive study of a few books is more valuable than much careless reading. 精细地研读少数的几本书要比大量无心的阅读更有价值。
An intentionally noncommittal or ambiguous statement. 暧昧的回答,故意的不信任故意说得模棱两可的话,不明确的话
An interactive user interface displays Appropriate Legal Noticesto the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2) tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (e 一个显示“适当的法律通告”的交互用户界面要达到以下程度:包括一个方便而显着的可视部件,且具备以下功能:(一)显示一个合适的版权通告;(2)告诉用户该作品没有任何担保责任(除非它连担保责任也有提供),告诉受权人可以在本授权下传达该作品,以及如何阅读本授权的副本。
An interactive videotex system in which information can be retrieved or transmitted over television cables or telephone lines. 视传系统一种相互作用的视传系统,通过电视电缆或电话线接收或传播信息
An interconnected system for the distribution of electricity or electromagnetic signals over a wide area, especially a network of high-tension cables and power stations. 输电线路一个用来在广大地区内传递电力或电磁信号的内部相联的网络,尤指由高压电线和发电站组成的网络
An intercultural dialogue should prelude such cooperative undertakings. 文化间的对话应该成为这些合作的前奏。

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