Inman: I wouldn't come inside.
英曼:我不会想进来的。 |
Inman: You are all that keeps me from sliding into some dark place.
英曼:你一直在帮助我不让我滑进某些黑暗的地方。 |
Inmates at the Urso Branco prisonin Porto Velho, capital of Rondonia in northern Brazil, have taken more than 200 visitors hostage amid a riot which has raged since Sunday, military police said on Tuesday.
当地时间25日下午,巴西朗多尼亚州一所监狱发生暴动,囚犯们用刀具挟持了200多名人质。 |
Inmates auditioned with the best belting are now before judges including the sheriff.
囚犯们在包括县长官在内的评委们面前进行海选,用他们最好的状态放声高歌。 |
Inmates who encourage women into acts of indecency can lose their visitation privileges for weeks, Wedding said. Inmates are permitted up to three 30-minute visits per week.
伟丁指出,鼓动妇女做出下流动作的囚犯将失去数周的被探视权利。囚犯每周拥有30分钟的被探视权。 |
Inner Fire cost increased to 35, from 25.
心灵之火的魔法消耗从25提高到35。 |
Inner Fire now shows the damage dealt when a charge is released upon an attacker. A released charge also causes a casting animation.
心灵之火现在每承受一次伤害并释放掉一次以后会有新的显示效果显示在攻击者的身上。每一次释放也会有施放效果。 |
Inner Fire will now cause its caster to take a small amount of fire damage while active.
心灵之火在效果持续的过程中将造成施法者一定的火焰伤害??? |
Inner Mongolia National Song and Dance Troupe has made a three-year plan (2005-2007).
目前,剧院制定并实施了《内蒙古民族歌舞剧院2005年-2007年业务建设三年发展规划》。 |
Inner Mongolia Tongliao Jinbao Chemical Industry Co. Ltd., with annual capacity of 3,000 tons for Furfural.
内蒙古通辽市金宝化工有限公司,现达到年产糠醛3,000吨。 |
Inner Mongolia covers the northeast, north and the northwest of China, spanning 2,000 kilometers.
像一匹腾飞的骏马,内蒙古横跨中国的东北、华北和西北,绵亘2000多公里。 |