However, for the first 12-month of the execution of this Agreement, ESD agrees to give a grace period to the Distributor to achieve the Sales Target.
东海龙将在协议期间提供在委托人销售价格基础上8%的折扣协助代理人在印度尼西亚领土范围内的市场推广和市场竞争活动。 |
However, for the kind of reciprocal typification just described to occur there must be a continuing social situation in which the habitualized actions of two or more individuals interlock.
然后,这种相对性类型化必定发生在连续的社会情境中,也就是两者或多个连结的习惯化行为中。 |
However, for the patient who may be suffering from serious symptoms causing withdrawal from school and socialization, urgent surgical intervention may be the only solution able to restore a normal daily life.
然而,严重的症状使这些女病患从学校以及社交生活中退缩,外科手术急迫介入似乎是唯一的解决方式,使她们回归正常的生活。 |
However, for the present I let him go, knowing no better at that time; then I went to the three kids, and taking them one by one, I tied them with strings together, and with some difficulty brought them all home.
可是当时我并不知道有更好的办法,我把老山羊放走了以后,来到三只小山羊的陷坑里,把它们一个个地抓住,用绳子把它们拴在一起,又经过一些麻烦,把它们全都带回了家。 |
However, for the same river, the obvious regularity exists in critical starting condition and the physical and mechanical indexes: the critical starting condition of the muddy cohesive soil increases with the decrease of the shear strength and decreases w
而对同一条河流而言,起动临界条件与物理力学指标之间则存在明显的规律性:即对淤泥质粘土,起动临界条件随抗剪强度的减小而增大,随含水量的增大而减小;粉质粘土的起动临界条件最小,与抗剪强度、含水量呈非线性关系;粘土起动临界条件则随抗剪强度、含水量的增大而增大。 |
However, for the vast majority of Japanese companies, tapping into rising Chinese affluence is too great an opportunity for them to ignore.
然而,对绝大多数日本公司来说,进入日益富裕的中国的巨大契机是它们难以忽视的。 |
However, for those which I think they are already very~ well-known (e.g. <Dragon Ball>, <Yu☆Yu☆Hakusho>, etc), I will not write their introductions.
但是那些我觉得已经很~多人认识的(例如<龙珠>、<幽☆游☆白书>等等),就不作介绍了。 |
However, forgers have become adept at printing and rescanning images, thus creating a new original.
然而,伪造者对于打印、重新扫描,进而制造新的原始图片的流程已经相当熟练了。 |
However, free compilers are often not as full-featured or well-supported as commercial ones.
但是,免费编译器经常是比商业编译器功能少或缺少良好的技术支持。 |
However, from the perspective of iatrology history, we study the records in Shiji and Hanshu, the characteristics of the black dog who attacked Empress Iii, the time from when Empress Lu was hurt in armpit to when she was died, and her symptom during this
然而以医疗史的视角,从《史记》、《汉书》等书对吕后遭遇犬祸记述的异同,袭击吕后仓狗的出没特征,吕后由腋伤、病重到亡故的时间、症状及其在此期间的表现,细加考索和探究,汉人“如意为崇”、“妖象犬形”等看似荒诞的记载,实际隐喻着对吕后病状的合理描述,其中透露出的种种迹象表明:吕后腋伤起于撕狗的抓咬,最后的死亡也是因狂犬病的发作所致。 |
However, fungal granulomas (histoplasmosis, cryptococcosis, coccidioidomycosis) can mimic this pattern as well.
然而真菌性肉芽肿(组织胞浆菌病,隐球菌病,球孢子菌病)也具有这样的外观。 |