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Besides shampoo and conditioner, he uses toner, moisturiser, essence, sun-block and foam cleanser, it said, noting that his basic pay is only 80,000 won.

Besides providing security, Amway has also brought us good health and broader knowledge. 安利事业不但很有保障,而且还能改善他人健康,传授健康知识。
Besides running a highly popular nightclub cum brothel, Blue Rita works for several crime organizations and secret services. 余娜除了管理一个附带妓院的流行夜总会外,她还为几个犯罪组织和情报局工作。
Besides schooling Tang, Leung and Wang in the ways of the Shanghainese in the 1940s, Lee has taken them to Ipoh in Malaysia for the old buildings, in particular balconies with balustrades. 除了教授汤唯.梁朝伟.王力演绎40年代的上海人,李安也带他们到马来西亚的怡保去见识老式建筑,特别是有瓶形围墙的露台。
Besides serving as independent attributives modifying the headword, pronouns indicating others can concur with nominal attributives, predicate attributives or adverbial attributives, modifying the headword. 摘要除单独作定语修饰中心语以外,旁指代词还可以与体词性定语、谓词性定语和副词性定语共现,共同修饰中心语。
Besides setting the rules, the association gave the game its formal name: association football. 除了制定规则,这个协会还为球赛取了一个正式的名称:英式足球。
Besides shampoo and conditioner, he uses toner, moisturiser, essence, sun-block and foam cleanser, it said, noting that his basic pay is only 80,000 won. 据报道,除了洗发水和护发素外,他还用紧肤水、保湿霜、精华素、防晒霜和洗面奶,而这名士兵的基本工资只有8万韩元。
Besides shipments / consignments will accrue demurrage / detention which will all be at the cost of the Shipper/importer. 由此产生的费用及滞期费/滞留费将由发货人或者收货人承担。
Besides soaked illegal employed, and encourage untracked foreign worker to surrender, not similar for agency, if agency introducing untracked worker to work, if tracking down, can be fined five hundred thousand, in 5 years still disobey, will be punished 除了重罚非法雇主、并鼓励行踪不明外劳投案之外,在不肖仲介业者方面,如果业者媒介行踪不明的外劳非法为他人工作,一经查获,最高将处以新台币50万元罚锾之重罚;5年内再违反者,则将处1年以下有期徒刑、拘役或科或并科新台币60万元以下罚金。
Besides specialized technical training, the company also has irregular quality training to staff to let them know the Xingguang company is a big militarization family and only together can we make our products perfect and more remarkable. 除专门的技术培训外,公司会不定期的对员工进行素质培训,让他们知道星光公司是一个军事化的大家庭,只有共同拼搏才能让星光公司的产品更加的完美出色。
Besides strengthens with the motion system manufacturer cooperation, the Sichuan crown reaches positively opens with moves the operation business the cooperation opportunity, in view of the customer specific demand, provides the special service solution, 除了加强与移动系统制造商的合作之外,四川冠达积极开辟与移动运营商的合作机遇,针对客户的特定需求,提供特色服务解决方案,为移动通信运营商深入了解移动网络运行情况、提高移动网络设备资源利用率以及提高移动通信网络综合竞争力提供全方位的服务。
Besides table manners, there are other etiquette rules to follow. 除了餐桌礼仪之外,还有其他礼仪规範要遵守。

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