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Time went slowly, I struggled with myself not to fall asleep.

Time was certainly of the essence. 时间肯定是至关重要的。
Time was really too tight, just taking out time to make this exhibition in the evening, the detailed story stays to treat to narrate in detail slowly to everyone again slowly in the days to come. 时间实在太紧了,晚上才抽时间搞这个展览,详细的故事留待日后慢慢再给大家慢慢细说吧。
Time was reckoned by the position marked off in constellations on the ecliptic in which the Moon rises daily in the course of one lunation (the period from New Moon to New Moon) and the Sun rises monthly in the course of one year. 时间是通过黄道带星座的划分位置而计算,月亮是在一个阴历月期间每天上升(新月到新月的周期),太阳是在一年中的每个月上升。
Time was running short; where were the other delegates? 时间已经不够了,其他州的代表都在哪里呢?
Time was when Mexico's Supreme Court dutifully rubber-stamped whatever the government and the powers that be desired—as its counterpart in Venezuela now does (see article). 现在到了墨西哥最高法院尽职尽责的时刻了-必要的政府与权力机构都要被法院批准通过,就像委内瑞拉最高法院的所作所为。
Time went slowly, I struggled with myself not to fall asleep. 时间过得很慢,我努力不使自己睡着。
Time will heal all wounds and replace them with new ones. 时间将治愈创伤并用新的伤口来代替。
Time will never cause our friendship to diminish. Or: Time will not diminish our friendship. 我们的友谊绝不会因时间的流逝而减弱.
Time will prove me (to be) right. 时间会证明我是对的。
Time will stop as you expand your horizons! 地平线伸展开了,时空也会凝滞!
Time will tell if this and other such crosses will reveal themselves in subsequent generations when their recessive carrying descendants finally meet! 时间将会证明,如果他和其他诸如此类的交叉繁殖将会显现在他们自己的下一代里面,因为他们最终将这种隐性基因传递了下去。

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