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The equipment is mainly used in the sterilization of liquid materials such as fresh milk, juice, beverage and alcohol as well as soybean milk and fluid medicines.

The equipment improvement was on the march. 设备改进工作正在进行中。
The equipment in dashed frame is existing, the equipment in dash-dotted frame is new added. 虚线内的设备是原有的,点划线内的是新加的.
The equipment includs: 1) Atmosphere condenser (optional item), 2) Cascade tank body(observation tank,filter tank, receiver), 3) Level gauge, 4) Level controller, 5)Ball float water inlet valve, 6) Salinometer, 7) Inlet/outlet valve, etc. 设备模块主要包括:1、大气冷凝器(可选);2、热井本体(观察柜、过滤柜、贮存柜);3、液位计;4、液位控制器;5、浮球式补水阀;6、盐度计;7、进出口阀等等组成。
The equipment is a new development microporous filter which is absorbed New Zealand perfedt technology,aiming at China, s national conditions. 该设备是吸收新西兰万全技术,针对我国国情开发的一咱新型微孔过滤机。
The equipment is made up of oil pump set(driven by gasoline engine、electric motor or manpower)、3-stage telescopic jack、horizontal displacement set、rescue riggings etc..According to the railway accident,the equipment can rerailing the derailed wagon、overtu 该机具由泵站(手动或机动)、三级千斤顶顶升装置、横移装置、台车索具等组成,根据现场事故情况,可选择将事故车起复复轨、整体翻出限界、整体移出限界,具有省时速度快、操作简便、安全可靠等特点,适合救援队处理较复杂的车辆脱线事故,是提高救援队能力的一种有效工具。
The equipment is mainly used in the sterilization of liquid materials such as fresh milk, juice, beverage and alcohol as well as soybean milk and fluid medicines. 本设备主要用于鲜奶、果汁、饮料、酒类等流体物料的杀菌,也可用于豆浆,流体药料的灭菌。
The equipment is special equipment valuable to be studied and popularized for the construction of the aqueduct; with which not only both the construction quality and the construction safety are to be greatly improved, but also the construction period is t 移动模架的应用将大大提高渡槽施工质量及安全保证,节约施工时间是一种很有研究及推广价值的渡槽施工专用设备。
The equipment is used in beating,discarding residue of fruit or vegetable materiar. 该设备适用于果蔬类物科的打浆、去渣。
The equipment leaves something to be desired. 着台设备尚有一些不足之处.
The equipment made by us of titanium,stainless steel,aluminum or plastics,mainly include column condenser(heat exchanger);coil hear exchanger;membrane evaporator;constant boil tower;reactor;pressure filter,storage tank;blower,centrifuge and TA series corr 我厂生产钛材,不锈钢等各种材质的化工设备,主要有风机,离心机,钛泵,钛阀,列管式冷凝器(换热器);盘管式换热器;薄膜蒸发器;塔器;反应器;贮存容器;面向石油化工,冶炼,制药,氯碱,制盐食品,造纸,环保等化学工业领域及电化行业。
The equipment may be modified to produce VCD sets. 这设备可以经过改装用来生产光碟机。

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