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The treatment situation of medical wastes in China is introduced, the mechanism of dioxins production and control measures in procedure of waste thermal treatment are analyzed, and the principle and advantages for treating medical wastes by pyrolysis and

The treatment of metal or the separation of metal from ores and ore concentrates by liquid processes, such as leaching, extraction, and precipitation. 水冶金术通过液体过程,象过滤,提炼,沉淀等方法处理金属,从矿石中或矿石浓缩物中分离出金属
The treatment of metastatic breast cancer requires the mind of a biologist and the heart of a caring physician. 转移性乳腺癌的治疗需要我们具有生物学家的头脑和医生的人道主义精神。
The treatment of patients with metastatic gastric cancer remains a big challenge. 目前转移性胃癌的治疗仍然是一项大的挑战。
The treatment prescription was selected based on the tuberculous complications, and therapeutic effects of antituberculosis. 根据结核并发症、合并症及抗痨疗效决定治疗方案。
The treatment procedures and prognosis will be disussed. 文中描述局部断髓治疗之步骤,临床追踪结果并加以讨论。
The treatment situation of medical wastes in China is introduced, the mechanism of dioxins production and control measures in procedure of waste thermal treatment are analyzed, and the principle and advantages for treating medical wastes by pyrolysis and 摘要介绍了国内医疗垃圾的处理现状,分析了在垃圾的热处理过程中,二恶英的产生机理和控制措施,论述了热解气化法处理医疗垃圾的原理、优点特别是对二恶的英的合成的抑制作用。
The treatment technology of black water and night soil are briefly reviewed in this paper. 摘要本文对粪便污水及其处理技术作了简要介绍,重点综述了国内外膜生物反应器处理粪便污水的工艺。
The treatment, then, has 2 goals: for eating to feel good and pleasurable and for parents to feel supported as they work to make the eating environment less stressful, she said. 他说,由此看来,治疗有2个目标:一是孩子感觉饮食良好,进食愉快;二是父母由于尽力使进食环境轻松而感到鼓舞。
The treatments are: caustic treating for light gasoline, selective hydrotreating for medium gasoline and conventional hydrotreating for heavy gasoline. 最轻馏份经苛性碱处理,中间馏份经选择性加氢处理,而最重馏份则经一般加氢处理来脱硫。
The treatments for noise debasing are used on the main parts by the optimization method, and the final effects are satisfying. 利用优化方法对能量传递路径上的关键部件进行了降噪处理,取得了良好的降噪效果。
The treatments in rice include combination of 3 levels of applied fertilizers and 3 spacings (20×15, 15×15, 15×10 cm) with and without green manuring and in groundnut, 2 population density (30×15, 15×15) and 9 levels of applied fertilizers including with 水稻的处理包括3个施肥水平和三种株行距(20×15,15×15,15×10厘米)施或不施绿肥的组合,花生则为两种密度,(30×15,15×15)和九种施肥水平,其中包括施或不施用硫的组合。

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