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Pteranodons could flap their wings to fly. They could fly a long way.

Psychology: Thought patterns and consciousness altered by small changes in brain chemistry or small changes in physical environmental stimuli. 心理学:通过大脑内化学小小变化或者物理环境刺激小的改变就改变了思维模式和意识。
Psychoneurosis must be understood...... as the suffering of a soul which has not discovered its meaning. 必须把神经官能症......理解为仍未发现自身意义的灵魂的苦难。
Psychosocial services provided by oncology social workers include individual, family and group counseling, education, advocacy, discharge planning, case management and program development. 癌症社会工作者提供的心理服务包括个人的、家属的以及小组的咨询、教育、顾问、出院计划、个案管理和项目发展。
Psychotherapist point out that children can often end up feeling left out if they are old enough to understand what's going on,but are not told the truth about family worries. 心理学家指出,如果孩子已经大到能懂得家庭问题,但是家长却不愿意对孩子坦白的话,结果就会让孩子觉得自己被父母忽略了。
Ptactise is not so easy as the theories. 实际并不如理论那么容易。
Pteranodons could flap their wings to fly. They could fly a long way. 无齿翼龙能够扇动它们的翅膀飞翔,而且还能飞很长的距离。
Pterostilbene is an antioxidant that is similar to resveratrol, an antioxidant identified in grapes and red wine that also is recognized for its anticancer properties. 紫檀芪是一种与白藜芦醇类似的抗氧化剂,白藜芦醇存在于葡萄或红酒中,被认为具有抗癌功能。
Ptolemy is a family to say that they are disfunctional is an understatement. 托勒密家族是一个畸形的家族,这是一个保守的说法。
Ptolus lies between the Spire and the sea. 托勒斯坐落在海洋与“大尖顶”之间。
Pu Songling's strange women are the better choice than the man when it is a matter of examining subjectivity in symbolic and ontological crisis. 当我们要在象徵层次与本体层次的关键点上检视主体性时,比较好的选择是蒲松龄笔下的奇女子,而不是男人。
Pu Xiaochun, Ji Weizhi, Yang Shangchuan, Chen Jianchun, Zou Rujin, and Shang Enyuan 1994 Correlation of Zona-Binding With Oocyte Matoration and Sperm Motility in Rhesus Monkeys by Hemizona Assay. 普晓春、季维智、杨上川、陈建春、邹如金、商恩缘1994猕猴的半透明带分析法-精子活动度和卵母细胞成熟度对精卵结合率的影响。

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